7 || Months Fly

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     To say Mei and Midoriya grew closer over the next couple months was an understatement. They were best friends and partners and crime. It seemed like they could always sense what the other was thinking. If Mei was working on something, she didn't even have to ask before Midoriya tossed her a drink. Usually caprisuns. They were fueled by caprisuns.

     They'd cleared the beach by now, half of it going to Mei's vast collection of parts, the other half Midoriya used to train his body and brought to the actual dump (after asking Mei if any of it was of use, of course).

     Midoriya hadn't actual tried vigilantism yet, he wanted to make sure he was completely ready. Mei had told him she had been working on some things for him and she wanted to surprise him that day and he was nervous to see what it was.

     Speaking of nervous, the U.A. exams for general education were coming up. They'd be directly after the hero course exams, and he prayed he wouldn't run into Bakugou on the way in. Not after doing so well ignoring him.

     Izuku went to the door, making sure to call out to his mom before leaving, "Mom! I'm going to meet up with Mei!"

     "Alright, sweetie! Tell her to ask her parents if they'd like to visit for dinner again! They were such nice guests last time!"

     That's right, Midoriya had nearly forgot how easily Mei's moms and his had clicked. He was shocked at first to meet them, but it slowly started to make sense. From one of her moms, who Mei referred to as 'Mama', Mei got her brains and knack for inventing. Her Mama worked with heroes and was one of the best support gear makers in the area. 

     From her other mom, who Mei just called 'Mom', Mei got her excitable personality. Out of the couple times Midoriya had met her, Mei's mom had never stopped smiling and bouncing around. Apparently, she was a kindergarten teacher and as her typically cheerful class rubbed off on her every year, she only ever got even more hyper. 

     Saying a quick 'I will', he rushed out the door with his bag half-way over his shoulder. He didn't want to be late, especially when Mei had hyped up her gift so much.

      Stopping by a gas station, he grabbed some Doritos for Mei. She always either had some on her or talked about wanting some whenever she was hungry, so Midoriya grabbed some just in case. 

      Stepping onto the now cleaned beach, Midoriya tried to avoid everyone as he looked for Mei. As soon as people heard the beach had been cleared, they flocked there, and Midoriya had gotten a little frustrated. After all of that time clearing it, he and Mei couldn't even have a private conversation there. It didn't end up mattering, as Mei suggested they could hang out at her Mama's old inventing shed, but Izuku was still a little salty.

     Spotting her thick pink hair, Midoriya called out to her, "Hey! Mei! Hurry up I'm getting trampled over here!" He shouted. He felt a few eyes turn his way, but thanks to Mei's constant 'How To Not Be A Pushover' lessons, he didn't care enough to return their gaze. 

     Bounding up to him, Mei immediately made a grab for the Doritos. Izuku nearly forgot about her quirk and barely got out of the way in time to stay standing up. 

     Quickly giving her the Doritos, Midoriya laughed and gripped his bag, "Come on, take me to this surprise." He said as she started to each the triangle chips.

      Hatsume let out a string of muffled words he could understand and started walking, Izuku following her immediately. 

     Mei lead him to the shed after waiting for him to tell her parents about the dinner invitation. Was this why she kept the closet locked and simply ignored him every time he asked about it? 

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