Chapter 6: Ranpo's (and Yosano's) Advice

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Much like Kunikida, Dazai had found himself in dire need of some advice. Only problem was, he didn't know who he could ask cause he was painfully aware that there were at least two certain someones who would never let him live anything down. Let it be known that those girls were brutal. Dazai thought about asking pretty much anyone but Yosano and Kyouka for advice. He considered just about everyone else, and then finally came to Ranpo. The ace detective would tease him here and there but it wasn't as bad as Yosano and Kyouka, at least. Plus Ranpo was unrealistically smart, so that was another reason to ask him.

Dazai ran over to Ranpo's desk where the detective appeared to be napping. "Raaaaaaaaaannnnnnppppppoooo..."

Ranpo looked up. "What is it? This better be important, cause you woke me up from my nap."

"Sorry, Ranpo. I just really need some advice," Dazai confessed.

"Do ya now? Well, you've come to the right place," Ranpo declared.

Dazai grinned. "Awesome."

"So, what seems to be the problem?" Ranpo asked.

"It's about Kunikida-" Dazai began.

Ranpo's eyes widened. "What about him?! Don't tell me he looks forward to checkups again!"

Dazai shook his head. "Oh no, it's nothing like that. In fact, he's been a lot more terrified of Yosano lately."

"Well, that's pretty normal," Ranpo pointed out.

"Yeah, but that's not what I came to ask you about," Dazai replied.

"What is it then?" Ranpo questioned.

"Since the other day, Kunikida hasn't been that mad at me," Dazai revealed.

Ranpo's eyes widened.

"Yep, I know it's shocking," Dazai continued.

"It really is..." Ranpo was finally able to utter.

Dazai nodded.

"This is reminding me way too much of when he had amnesia," Ranpo admitted.

"Same," Dazai agreed.

"Do you think maybe he has it again?" Ranpo wanted to know.

"He doesn't. He remembers everything just fine, the only shocking thing is how he hasn't been mad at me," Dazai replied.

"That is really shocking," Ranpo noted.

"Gee, thanks," Dazai said sarcastically.

"Don't worry, I'm not shading you," Ranpo assured him.

"Thanks, I appreciate it," Dazai replied.

"I know the girls never get tired of shading you, but don't worry. I only do it every now and then," Ranpo continued.

"Well, at least there's that," Dazai said.

"Indeed," Ranpo agreed.

"Any advice you might have about Kunikida?" Dazai asked.

Ranpo thought about it. "Hmmm...first I have to ask, are you afraid of Kunikida not being mad at you?"

", at least not completely. It's nice and all, but it does remind me of when he had amnesia and that does kinda scare me," Dazai answered.

"Fair," Ranpo agreed.

"That and I gotta say, it's so out of character," Dazai continued.

Ranpo nodded. "It is."

"So...yeah, I just really need some advice," Dazai repeated.

"As you keep saying. Well, all I can say is enjoy it while it lasts-"

Opposites Do Attract (a Dazai x Kunikida fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now