She noticed that she wasn't in Kimmy's home anymore, everything was dark and cold. This place reeked of evil, it was like being back in hell. She thought she would have some time to rest, to try and get back to being normal. Whatever normal was for her. What she did know it was being with Blood Shot. She drew in a deep breath, searched to see if she could still feel Blood Shot. She got a very faint connection of him, she could sense that he was alive, but not aware of anything. The gloom of this world depressed Midnight Dragon, it didn't feel natural at all. She gathered all the strength within herself, and moved deeper into this world.

This place smelt like the shadows and the demons from the battle. It finally hit her that she was now in Darkness's lair. A place that she never wanted to go, but somehow, she was brought here. The more she moved around the more she noticed that there was no soul in sight. She felt very unnerved about this place, she had been expecting to find at least someone by now. It was deserted, maybe they had moved on, and finally realised that they have no chance? Or worse they had left to unleased destruction on Earth, while she was stuck down here?

The last room she entered had a giant onyx crystal in the middle of it,with quartz coming out of the edges. Situated in the middle was a throne, madeof pure blood stone. Grant sat on the throne, he was smiling like he waspleased withhimself. He hadn't noticed Midnight Dragon yet. She moved very carefully around the edge of the room, her back placed against the wall. It was wet and cold, she tried not to think about what was making the wall wet. Her eyes remained glued on Grant, she wanted to know where he was every moment she was in this place.

Grant looked around the room, and his eyes connected with Midnight Dragon's, a smirk was produced on his face. "Welcome, your highness to my domain. I knew you would come sooner, why don't you come into the light?" Grant asked. A sharp, gasp escaped from Midnight Dragon, she had been caught. She gathered her courage, and moved so she was standing in front of Grant. "Well, I never wanted to be here, somehow I am though," she stated.

Grant took in every little detail of Midnight Dragon as she stood in front of him. Midnight Dragon began to feel uncomfortable, as no one had spoken in a while, she began to play with her red lip piercing. "I love it when you play with your piercing, it makes you so desirable. Tell me, how do you know it was Ice King and not Blood Shot?" Grant asked her. Midnight Dragon stopped playing with her lip ring, she was surprised that Grant knew that. "How do you know that?" she shot her question back at Grant. A laugh escaped from Grant. "You really don't know. Ice King works with me, and always did. I told him not to kill you, it would make things more interesting. Brother why don't you come out and say hello," Grant explained to her.Ice King appeared from the crystal, stood by his brother and stared at her. A sickness feeling flooded through Midnight Dragon, he had betrayed her. "You TRAITOR!" she screamed at him. "Oh, come on, I thought you were smarter than this. You should have had some suspicion that something wasn't right. You are so naïve sometimes, I thought someone who is due to be a ruler to be a bit more aware of everything," Ice King criticised her. Annoyance flooded through her, her teeth were back on the lip ring without her even realising it. "So, let me get this right you have been playing me this whole time. I felt sorry for you, thinking that you been corrupted and reformed. Guess, I was wrong. If you think now that you can still have me, you are wrong. I can't believe that you two allies to my planet would ever do this. What happened we are allies?" she screamed at him.

Smug laughter came from both Ice King and Grant. "Well look who thinks they are a ruler now? We didn't have a choice like you, we had to marry you and your sister. Luckily, we were contacted by someone who felt our pain, who had accessed so much more power, than you could ever consume. Let me show you what our power has done to your home," Grant lashed out at Midnight Dragon.

Ascreen behind Grant appeared, it flashed on to her home Mars. Nothing was greenor pure anymore. It had become a wasteland, everything was grey and gloomy.There was no grass just dust everywhere, the trees were brittle. No housesstood anymore, all that was left was the bricks. Bodies laidon the ground rotting in the streets. The castle where Midnight Dragon used to live was completely gone. There seemed like there was no hope for anything to grow or live there anymore. The screen went blank after showing Midnight Dragon, tears of anger and despair had filled her eyes.

"This is what our power can do, and now you are here we want to do this to Earth. But, we need to get rid of you first," Ice King explained their plan. A snigger came from Midnight Dragon. "I'm sorry but, if you two expect me to sit back and let you carry out your plan. Then you are wrong, you know that I will not stop, until you two are gone. At least then the leader of Darkness would have been destroyed, and I am guessing about the second in command too," she promised them. Midnight Dragon had found her voice and she stood up to Grant and Ice King.

"You are right about the second in command, but not the first," Ice King told her. Midnight Dragon looked confused at both. "So, who is the leader then, I am guessing you are no longer holding back anything. Otherwise I wouldn't be here?" she asked confused about everything.

"I am," a quiet delicate voice came from behind Midnight Dragon. The voice sounded familiar. Midnight Dragon turned around, and came face to face with the leader of Darkness. An unsettling feeling ran through her, as she whispered.


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