Chapter 3

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By the next day, Kimmy found it incredibly hard to avoid Sean, every corner she turned there he was. Trying to force her to speak to him. But, after what she heard yesterday that was the last thing she wanted to do. The bruises on her skin were still fresh from yesterday, and she didn't want any more from Molly. Kimmy had done everything she could to keep them hidden, but somehow, they manage to find their way through her foundation, as the day went by. All she wanted was to find somewhere to hide, as long none of those creepy shadows found her in her hiding place. But, she didn't know where to go. Her world was being turned upside down since Sean arrived, and she didn't know how much more she could handle.

By the afternoon, she had enough of seeing Sean everywhere. She decided that enough was enough. She needed to do something, so he knew that she didn't want him near her. But, what could she do to show him?

As she was on her way to history, Sean corneredKimmy, and forced her into an empty English room. Even though she was so closeto him, Kimmy was still angry. Sean was standing close to her, a little tooclose for Kimmy's liking. His breath tickled her skin; Kimmy could literallyfeel his heartbeat. Her mind was full of anger, but for some reason her heartwanted her to go against her feelings. Kimmy just wanted to kiss him again, butshe didn't know why though.The connection that she felt before, was back once again. It unnerved her, she never wanted to kiss a boy before, so what had changed? Kimmy wanted to shake these feelings, she didn't want them. She just wanted to be her again.

"You need to stop hiding from me, please let me explain," he pleaded. Sean's emerald green eyes looked deep into Kimmy's eyes, trying to persuade her. But Kimmy remained strong against him. "You said you were here to kill me for some reason, which I don't even know why. I don't even know you, so why should I even consider listening to you?" Kimmy screamed as she ran away from him.

Kimmy ran straight into an empty, dark art room, and she slid behind a desk. Holding her breath as Sean peered through the glass in the door. Luckily, he didn't see her, and moved on very quickly. A low sigh came out of Kimmy's mouth. Kimmy emerged slowly and silently from behind the desk. She moved to the middle of the room, and stared at the art display. A bone chilling gush of wind hit Kimmy's back, with such a force she nearly ended up in the display herself.

Two dark figures stood behind Kimmy, their eyeslocked on to her. Kimmy could feel like someone was watching her. She spunround and locked eyes on the two figures staring at her. One of the figures wasa man. He looked about nineteen, his blood red eyes looked right at Kimmy. Hehadbright green highlights in his black hair, they glowed in the darkness of the room. However, he shone with beauty, but it had a dark and dangerous side. His bone structure in his face was perfect, there were no flaws in it. The closer you look at his face, you could make out some small dents, along his nose. His beauty mesmerised Kimmy, the green highlights caught her attention more than anything. He wore a black leather jacket, with a few of the buttons open, revealing his pale chest. He wore black jeans, and leather boots. She couldn't help but stare at him, she had forgotten that there was someone else was stood next to him. Shadow Stalker.

"Well this is cosy, just us three. No hero is going to save you now," Shadow Stalker hissed, as she toyed with Kimmy. Shadow Stalker moved away from the man next to her, the man moved closer to Kimmy. Even though she was intrigued by his beauty, she stepped away from him. Shadow Stalker smirked as Kimmy kept moving away from the man, however she kept stealing glances at him. This didn't go unnoticed by Shadow Stalker. A huge smile filled Shadow Stalker's face. "Aww, she's taken a liking to you Blood Shot. Shame you're not here to fall in love with her, isn't it my love," she sneered at Kimmy.

Blood Shot seemed to have ignored what ShadowStalker had said, his mind was on something else. Blood Shot moved closer toKimmy, she didn't notice that he was right in front of her. His fingers tiltedKimmy's chin up. His left arm revealed a proud black dragon, trailing from hisleftarm down to his wrist. "I'm not sure Shadow Stalker if this girl is the one. They never said she would be this beautiful. Maybe I should take her home with me," his voice was like music, it entices you.

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