Chapter 4

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It didn't take them long to arrive at the block of flats just outside of town. The building itself looked more like a tower, with too many rooms in it. Kimmy was more aware of it this time, she had time to admire the beauty of it now. Kimmy stared at the building's architecture, it had random gargoyles hanging off it. Inside the corridors, it had black paint peeling off the walls, with white skulls hand drawn on it. Kimmy loved everything about this place, and this was before she was in Sean's flat. Sean led Kimmy to a light chestnut door, he pulled out an ice blue key, and unlocked the door.

He guided Kimmy over to his large leather sofa;Kimmy rested her head on the arm of the sofa, whilst Sean closedthe front door. When Sean turned back round he noticed the cut under her eyebrow, which had deepened. Sean bent down by her side, and checked her temperature, it was back to normal. "Do you want me to clean this cut for you? It looks pretty deep," he asked softly. Kimmy looked deep into his eyes, before she replied. "No thank-you, but you can do something for me," she responded softly also. "What is it?" his eyes still level with hers as he responded. "Who or what are you?" her soft voice suddenly turned sinister, and harsh.

Sean's head snapped up away from Kimmy, he put a bit of distance away from himself and Kimmy. His soft emerald green eyes turned sharp and daggered. His model smile had vanished, and almost caused him to look like he was glaring. To Kimmy it looked like he was fighting against his emotions. Once his arms were securely crossed across his body, he attempted to talk to Kimmy. "I'm, I mean we are not like everyone else here. It's hard to explain, it's easier if I show you really. But, that might be hard considering your current state," Sean struggled to explain to Kimmy, but she remained patient. "Don't freak out or anything, if you want to know the truth, you must listen. As I don't know how well you are going to react to this," Sean softly explained.

A few seconds passed by, before Sean spoke again."Ok here it goes. First both of us don't exactly come from this planet, Earth.I am from Mercury, and you are from Mars," Sean said, and took a minute to lookat Kimmy's face. Her face was blank, no emotion rested upon it, she seemedrobotic. Sean drew in a deep breath before continuing. "Both of us can summon powers, ours are specific element form powers. As far as I can remember your powers are fire based. But, there is another one that I do not recall now. My powers are in the form of Ice and water. Hence why my real name is Ice King," he took another pause to see if anything had changed on Kimmy's face. Nothing had.

"Your real name Kimmy, is Midnight Dragon. The last time I saw you, the real you, you had a black dragon birth mark, which looks like a tattoo on your right shoulder. It's not there now, I assume, as you are not the real you. Do you want to know about your family?" Sean looked at Kimmy as he asked her.

Kimmy nodded silently still trying to take everything in, this all seemed like a fairy tale... "You did have a sister, Connie. She was going to marry my brother, Grant. I was, well still am, supposed to marry you. I'm not sure if you believe me or not, you're hard to read right now," Sean responded.

Kimmy's head began to hurt, so much information had been talked at her. She didn't know what to believe it, seemed like this was a dream.

"So, I lived on Mars, and you lived on Mercury.Even though so far, we have found no life on planets. And my real name isMidnight Dragon, yours is Ice King. What is with the strange names? Especiallylike Shadow Stalker andBlood Shot, who are they?" Kimmy questioned him, which made Sean feel very uncomfortable.

"I don't know why you think our names are strange. It's just our culture. People, our people did live on all the planets, some still do. But, most of them had to leave, otherwise they would have suffered and died, because of Darkness. Shadow Stalker and her partner Blood Shot, want you dead because of who you are, they are basically assassins. They don't want me to be happy, they also know that you will never join them, willingly," Sean calmly answered Kimmy's questions. "I think I need to lie down it's a lot to take in. I'm not sure if I believe you or not," Kimmy told Sean.

Midnight DragonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora