Chapter 9

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The days leading up toPaul's funeral flew by, and soon enough Kimmy had to face it. She hoped that itwas just a horrible nightmare, but it wasn't she had her father's funeral to goto. Soon enough Kimmy made it Paul's funeral. Though all the pain that she hadalready gone through, this was the worst. It felt like her heart wasshattering, and would never heal again. However, one thingthat Kimmy knew was that he could finally be at peace, and be with his family once more. She had to be strong today for him, she knew Paul was at peace now. She wished she had just made up with him properly before he was taken from her. She picked out a bright red dress that Paul bought for her, a few months ago. She didn't wear any make up today, or her lip ring.

The sky gloomed with smoky grey clouds, instead of white fluffy candy floss clouds. The heavens opened when the white oak coffin was being lowered. Sean stood next to Kimmy, he remained strong for her. Kimmy held back tears, enough had be spilled for him, and she knew nothing could bring him back. Even though this was a tragic day Kimmy wanted to remain stronger, for herself. A proud white marble gravestone stood in the graveyard, with gold writing on it saying. "Paul Anthony Evans. Beloved husband, father and friend." His grave next to his wife's Kaitlyn and his teenage daughter Mary.

After the beautiful service for Paul, Kimmy was staring at his grave, willing the ground to swallow her whole. The past nights have brought her horror-filled nightmares. The days brought her determination, to fulfill her destiny. And, to avenge Paul.

Flashbacks of Blood Shot comforting her remainedraw, in her mind. Kimmy didn't know who she could trust anymore, this includedBlood Shot. She knew that it was his partner Shadow Stalker, who had taken fromPaul from her. And, then there was Sean, who had vowed tokill Kimmy. But didn't. Regardless, these new people in her life, was still a threat. She had to find out if Blood Shot or Sean are here to help her, if not she knew she had to take them out. As quickly as possible, as well as silently.

Sean placed a hand on Kimmy's shoulder, this brought her out of her day-dreaming stare. A weak smile appeared on her face aimed at Sean. She felt the prick of the blue roses, in her shaky hands. Very carefully she placed them on Paul's grave. "I never got the chance to meet them. But from what Paul.... I mean Dad had told me, they were kind, caring, loving people. In his words, they would have adored me. I'm glad they weren't here to suffer like Dad did. And now I get to return him back to his family, where he belongs. I was so proud, and grateful to have him as my father, and me as his daughter," Kimmy expressed to Sean. "I'm sure he was proud, to have you as a daughter," Sean told Kimmy.

Kimmy couldn't handle much more and fell to the ground. She hugged Paul's headstone, tears fell like bullets. Sean felt helpless watching his girl in so much pain. Grief, pain and anger had consumed Kimmy, she could no longer determine which feeling was stronger. She wanted to be stronger than this, but she couldn't anymore. It was too much.

More and more black clouds drew nearer, lookinglike they were ready to burst. Sean sensed a strange energy nearer him andKimmy, he knew he had to move and fast. "Come on we need to leave, the longeryou stay here, youwon't be able to leave. Paul wouldn't want you to be like this," Sean explained. Kimmy knew what Sean was saying was true, but the thought of leaving Paul alone killed her. Reluctantly Kimmy pulled herself from Paul's headstone, and composed herself to walk home. Sean and Kimmy walked out of the graveyard silently.

As soon as they were out of sight, Blood Shot stood in front of Paul's grave. The smell of Kimmy's pain was still all over Paul's grave. "I know we haven't met sir, but I promise you this I will protect her. Even if it means my life," he whispered.

A shrill of laughter suddenly, appeared from behind Blood Shot. An injured, weak Shadow Stalker limped her way to Blood Shot's side. Luckily for Blood Shot, Shadow Stalker didn't hear what he had just said. "Well I guess we should pay our respects. What am I saying? This moment is just wonderful, I have finally made her weak enough, to bring her down," Shadow Stalker praised her work.

The thought of Shadow Stalker taking such pleasure in Paul's death, made Blood Shot feel sick. He refused to show his disgust, he knew his life would be over if he did. All he could was to leave in silence, which is what he did. Once Shadow Stalker knew she was alone, she had one last bit of cruelty left in her. The beautiful headstone suddenly, had a crack in it. The top corner of it was burnt off. A sadistic smile was planted on her face, before she left.Sean and Kimmy both sat in her late dad's living room, in silently. It felt weird for Kimmy to have someone else other than Paul sit on the black leather sofa next to her. The walls were a shade of lilac. The room remaindered her too much of Paul, it was wrong having Sean there with her. But, she couldn't say anything, not now.

Five minutes passed before Sean finally spoke. "Are you going to stay here alone? If you don't want to, then you could live with me," Sean suggested. Kimmy gave him a stare that could kill. "I'm nowhere near to thinking about that yet. For now, I want to be alone," she finally snapped. Sean knew it was best if he left. He got up slowly and left Kimmy's, he knew that she needed time to think everything over. She couldn't believe or come to terms why Sean had even made that suggestion to move in with him. It was insensitive of him, she felt a bit of hatred towards him from that suggestion. Too much had happened to her, she didn't have a straight head on her. Kimmy sat alone in the dark thinking and preparing what to do next, she needed to have a plan.

Time drifted by, Kimmy wasn't sure how much, buther determination grew. She slowly rose from her seat, and moved to the middleof the room. A slight breeze entered the room. "I know you are there BloodShot. I think you should leave," Kimmy's harshly said. Her voice was no longersoft but coarse. "I've felt your pain for so long. I needed to come here. Ineeded to be here for you," his voice was full of concern. "Your partner,friend, whoever andwhatever she is to you, took dad from me. The only one who kept me safe and sane!" Kimmy screamed. Blood Shot moved closer to Kimmy, his eyes never leaving hers. "She means nothing to me. You are the only one I deeply care about. I cannot account for what she did, or put it right. But I can be here for you, even if you don't want me," Blood Shot laid on her. Kimmy could feel the honesty in his voice. Even though it was Shadow Stalker who killed Paul, she still couldn't be one hundred percent sure that Blood Shot didn't have anything to do with it. "I need to train," she revealed to him. Blood Shot bowed his head, and stood behind Kimmy.

Kimmy placed her locket on her chest, heat raisedthrough her. She held out her right hand, and focused on a vase opposite her.She channeled all her anger, without hesitating she unleashed a stream of fire.It barely damaged the vase, it left a slight crack in it. Frustration floodedthrough Kimmy. "I can't seem to increase my power, or do any damage anymore,"Kimmy sighed. She felt like she had failed. Her right arm burst into pain, itfelt like the bones were breaking in small pieces. She cradled her right armagainst Blood Shot walked in front of her, he remembered howpowerful she was before, and this barely scratched the surface. Then he noticed something was missing, the onething he carried around with him for so long. He pulled out two cloud whitegloves, with a red v-shaped bound on them a dragon sat above the bounds. Hehanded them over to Kimmy. "Try these on. They used to be yours, it shouldhelp you channel your powers more, and not damage you, as you aren't up to full strength yet," he explained. Kimmy took them straight away, when she wore them the bruises and breaks underneath her skin seemed to heal. Once again, she tried to break the vase, but still she only used a small crack. A sigh was released from Kimmy. Even though her arm was no longer in pain, the pain was emotional, it ran deep within her.

Blood Shot sensed that something wasn't quite right with Kimmy anymore, there was one thing he could do that may help but he wasn't sure if Kimmy would let him do it. He pulled Kimmy into his arms. Kimmy struggled against his grasp. "Trust me, this should give you your powers back, to full once more," Blood Shot explained. Kimmy could hear the honesty in his voice once again. So, she stopped struggling and looked into his eyes, for sign of malice or deceit. There was no sign of it through his whole body. As soon as Blood Shot saw that Kimmy had relaxed, he pressed his lips to hers.

A green and navy blue light passed from Blood Shot to Kimmy. As the kiss deepened, Kimmy could feel her body heat up further. The kiss and heat became intense for Kimmy. She tried to pull away, but Blood Shot continued the kiss. As soon as Blood Shot's felt the burning, heat on his own lips he pulled away. He starred at Kimmy in amazement, she was glowing. "Finally, Midnight Dragon is here," he said in shock. 

Midnight DragonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora