BLUEMING House Episode 4

Start from the beginning

Dad: Oh, I toast to that super girl.

(To the super girl!)

Dad: Welcome to Bangkok!

(Thank you, Daddy.)

Hanny: How did you make this? Are making this mom?

(Are you talking about the vegetable decorations? Did you make this, Dad?)

Dad: Yes.

Hanny: Really? Wow, that's amazing.

(She's been surprised a lot today. She discovered new things.)
(Hanny's home cooked meal revealed new things about Dad.)
(Before Hanny got back... Mom, who are pro chef, and Dad a pro in cooking too prepared a hearty meal.)
(Hanny's home cooked meal, just as Hanny likes. Enjoy the meal.)
(Mom's cooking is the best. The tasty food makes her shoulders dance. Just by watching her eat, it makes her parents full.)

Hanny: I'm really full but it's so good.

Mom: Do you like it?

Hanny: Um... taste like my childhood time. I think I can eat more of this.

(Rainbow colored mango sticky rice)

Hanny: I will make it something for you then. For your hard work.

(Making cocktails for her parents)

Dad: Will you dance? Like a show?

Hanny: Sure! Your words are my command my King and Queen!

(Pour some refreshing orange juice. Passion fruit juice is a must for cocktails.)

Hanny: I think you'll love it. Mixing the ingredients takes more time than any other steps.

(After you add some guava juice, close the cover well.)

Hanny: Shake it.

(Dancing cutely infront of her parents. In their heart, Hanny's the champion bartender.)

Hanny: It just looks like orange juice, right?

(She decorates it too! Happy)

Hanny: Ey, come on! Do a love shot!

(Love shot! Mom takes the lead and Dad fooling around)

Hanny: I need to take a picture.

(Look here! Click)
(After the meal full of thanks is over... Now we will begin the surprise. Mom prepared the gifts herself.)

Hanny: You made it on your own?

Dad; Yeah, spending her weekend to complete the album.

(Mom made it with love. A photobook with photos and messages)
(May you have happiness and good times. Mom sends her sincere feelings to the daughter.)
(Be happy and take care of your health. Wish you all the blessings and happiness and achieve all your goals.)

Hanny: There's a lot of baby picture of me.

(Kiss her mom and dad)
Hanny: It was so touching. They still give me a lot of surprised like when I was baby.

(The family who rely on each other and grow together)
(As the sun sets, the more it turns pink. First night in her trip. Where is Hanny going?)
(The mood has changed quite a lot from the day. The girl don't look familiar.)
(While holding flowers, where are the girl going? "M" Rooftop Bar. A nice place on top of a hotel where the night view is great.)
(The view shows a view of the far distance. A place where you can see the entire city)

Hanny: This place is really up high. It's really pretty here.

(The view is pretty, and so are you!)

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