5. Wait Who's Pregnant?

Start from the beginning

She is definitely pregnant! I thought to myself again.

We looked around over the tables before stopping at one which had a particular black haired woman shooting daggers at us. I heard Eli gulp. If looks could kill we both would be dead by now, and I'm so glad they didn't. We started making our way towards the table, and it was then I noticed another black haired head staring at us approaching, with a smirk on his stupidly handsome face. Fuck you stupidly handsome face of an asshole!

I looked at our table seeing Emmy sitting beside Noah holding his hand, with Charlie on her right. Now there were only two spaces remaining on the table. One besides Charlie, which obviously Eli occupied happily, scooting closer to Charlie to give him a kiss. Much to my dismay the last one was besides the devil's spawn himself. 

I internally groaned while stomping towards it, and sat down folding my hands and leaning back like a little child who was just denied something they wanted. I could feel his stare on the side of my face but chose to ignore it, waiting for someone to start the conversation. But off course Eli and Charlie were busy asking each other how their day went, and Emmy and Noah were having a silent conversation between themselves.

I heard him exhale a loud sigh, "'Hey sweetheart!' 'Oh hi Aiden how are you?' 'Good! Was just waiting for your murderous glare.'" 

I scoffed and looked at him, imagining every possible way of murdering him. None of them quick. Each slow and painful. It was then I wasn't glad that looks couldn't kill. Oh to be medusa!

"Why are you actually giving me a murderous glare?" he narrowed his eyes at me, pure confusion creeping onto his face.

"Well you were the one waiting for it." I shrugged nonchalantly and looked away.

He scoffed and muttered lowly, "Doesn't mean I asked for it."

I chose to ignore him again, being too tired to deal with his obnoxiousness. I came here because my best friend asked me to. That doesn't mean I was going to interact with him. I waited silently for Emmy to start explaining why we were here, while Mr. Asshat was still staring at me intently. I don't know what he was trying to figure out about me. Good luck at that I guess, cause sometimes even I can't figure myself out.

Emmy cleared her throat and sat up straight, "Okay I called you all here to tell you guys a very special announcement." She said before looking at Noah, who gave her an encouraging smile and squeezed her hand in assurance. Wait was my intuition actually right?

"Emmy are you pregnant?!" I exclaimed loudly.

"Wait wha-" Noah said confusedly.

"I'M PREGNANT?" Emmy asked.

"What the fuck?" Eli said in pure shock.

"Hey! congratulations on being pregnant!" Someone from the other table exclaimed.

"Oh my god I'm gonna be an uncle. Oh no children.." Aiden muttered, almost as if he were scared of children...honestly I'd be too. Well I am.

"Wait who's pregnant? Emmy or Ash?" Charlie asked from his seat.

"Why the hell would I be pregnant?" I asked, horrified of that scenario.

"Wait Garcia...you're pregnant too?" Aiden said clenching his jaw.

"What do you mean 'pregnant too'? Are you pregnant?" 

"How in the fu-" 

"EVERYONE SHUT UP!" Noah shouted at us, and we all sat quietly looking down as if we were obeying our father, "Emmy would you like to continue?"

Emmy, who was still stuck in a daze wondering if she was pregnant, snapped out of her thoughts, "Huh? Continue what?"

"The 'special announcement'?" Noah said giving her a pointed look.

"Oh! Oh yes! Uhm so first things first. You know my fashion line has gotten way more popular now and we're progressing immensely. So immensely I'm going to present it in this time in the Paris Fashion Week!" She said excitedly.

"Oh my god! Oh my fucking god! Emmy I'm so proud of you!" I got up and went towards her, pulling her into a big hug which Eli soon joined.

"This is so cool! My best friend's art is gonna be in the Paris Fashion week!" Eli was almost tearing up.

"Oh and that's not even the best news!" Emmy pulled away from our hug doing a little jump, "I'm gonna take you all with me and I'm not taking a no for an answer! I want all the people I love to be there cheering those models wearing my designs."

"We're going to Paris! Boss I'd like to apply for a leave of a few days right now and if you don't grant me it I'm not letting you go either." 

"Eli permission granted." I patted his head as if I was giving him a blessing.

"Wait when do we leave?" Aiden, who was sitting real quite as of now, suddenly asked. Honestly I didn't think he would actually come because well he is quite attached to his work. Yeah I know I know I'm a hypocrite whatever.

"Uhm after two months." Noah answered.

"We're gonna need to do some serious shopping! Boss I'm canceling your all your meetings on next Saturday!" Eli clasped my arms looking at the ceiling dreamily.

"Eli no we're not doing that we have an important meeting that day and it took a lot of effort to set it up."

"Okay fine," he grumbled lowly, "but we're still taking time out for shopping I don't care!"

"Wait then you guys aren't pregnant?" Charlie asked looking at both Emmy and me.

"No. No one is pregnant at this table. Well obviously besides the older Callahan." I wiggled my eyebrows at Mr. Asshat.

"What the- I am not pregnant! How is that even possible?" His eyebrows creased. He tilted his head in confusion, and it looked so cut- WHAT THE FUCK ASHLEY NO!

"I don't know you tell me." I shrugged and everyone burst out laughing.


Okay so Aiden's definitely pregnant! 

Now I can't wait to actually write the Paris chapters cause....I have a LOT of things planned for it.

But you guys are gonna have to wait for those chapters cause gotta write the build up to that moment first yk?

Anyways hope you guys enjoyed this one, comment your feedbacks and vote mfs!

C A R E <3

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