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They can't take Andrius. You needed him. He was an essential part of the plan— How'd they find out anyway? Gah! You should've paid attention.

You dashed to Wolvendom and to your surprise, Lumine was making her way to Andrius' dome. "Lumine!" You shouted, not too loud, but loud enough to grab her attention. "Oh? [NAME]?" She stopped. "They're coming. Now." You stopped as well, tired of running. "They know something about this."

"well, we must quickly capture and question Boreas then, shall we?" She said, as she ran off, honestly, in such a stressful situation she really relaxed you. Stop dreaming about her, and go!


"I'll call Caesar." You said, as Lumine went on. She touched the sword and almost immediately his dead spirit emerged, as the carvings on the back wall glowed with him, he charged.

The fight wasn't that intense, a dead god wasn't any match for Lumine. She still had her outlander-ly powers, unlike her brother. Lumine put the chains up whilst Caesar was about to persuade him, but then Razor came along, "smelling danger."

You weren't spotted by the wolves, of course.

Since now that was occupied, you needed to check up on the scouts that were supposed to tell when they were coming, and who was coming. Dainslief hates the eighth, or now, the seven, and since Boreas was a willing servant to them, he must feel resentful towards him, too.

"I'll go play my part. Be careful, okay?" You said to Lumine, pulling her into a hug. "I'm sorry. Sorry for making you your brother's enemy, even though he's been searching for you this whole time."

"It's— Well, I love my brother. But what the other 7 did are wrong. We need to complete our battle with destiny. If... He fails, only then may we leave with victory."

"Stop the fancy talk! You can talk casually around me.—"

You were about to continue, until you heard a very recognisable high-pitched voice from the trees not so far away. You groaned. "I'll be off now. Now go have food, Caesar told me you haven't eaten." You chuckled, heading off.


"You... Not welcome here!" Razor shouted, as the Herald mockingly laughed at him. "So, the wolf's retched spirit likes to raise wild pups now?" He paused— "You claim to be a guardian, yet your once-sharp claws have clearly dulled since your godly glory. If you serve us, we can restore your divine powers you once held in the past."

Boreas wasn't taking it. He didn't believe. Honestly, you're the abyss, who would? You needed to take him by force.

You ran up to the scene, a bit ahead of Aether and Paimon. "Aether!" You spotted him. "What the heck is this ceremony?" You asked them. "Oh no... Is this the same thing they did to corrupt Dvalin's mind?"

You just sat back and watched everything go down— Until the fight actually started.

Caesar was defeated. Again.

As soon as he played that final blow you felt your fists tightened even more, as you shouted in frustration. Thankfully nobody heard you. It's so frustrating! Your best is the worst! The war keeps getting intercepted by them! Why?! You made your way to around the outskirts of Wolvendom, and you talked with Jean in the meantime.

"Hey [Nickname]! Where'd you go since then? You keep disappearing." Paimon wondered. "Oh! Uh— Preparing." You said, you weren't lying. You overheard their conversation. You needed that eye. Snapping out of your trance, your eyes met with Dainslief again, as everyone stared at you. Paimon and Aether were looking. You used your real voice. You decided to stay quiet whilst they discussed on where to find the eye. You soon realised, what if you played along until Aether got hands on the eye, and then you ask if you can safely guard it? Would that work? You can always take it back.

"...Can't forget something like that!" Paimon said, as they all made their way to Stormterror's Lair.


"This is it, right? Okay, then use your elemental sight to look for the eye!" Paimon told Aether, but you were sort of giggling at the stupidity these two have. "Oooh! What did you see?- Nothing? Huh."

"This requires a different method." You said, before Dainslief. "Using elemental sight on a ruin guard is no use because its powered by the elements, let me give it a try." You fumbled around with it. "Aaaaaanddd—" "Done!"

"Woowww! It's- It's the..-"

"Very thing the abyss herald was searching for all this time. The very first eye of the ruin guard. All field tillers today are just replicas of this very machine. It can be used to create a mechanic god."

"That's dangerous. Where are we hiding it?" Aether asked. "Nowhere. I will safely guard it." You said. "Wherever we hide it, they will find it."

"Ohhh, makes sense. The abyss is very determined. Okay! It's settled, [Nickname] guards the eye!"

Dainslief looked at you like you had just murdered someone, and oh boy, were you about to. You smiled at him 'like a friend would'. "I will take my leave now." You said, as you waved goodbye to everyone, eye in hand.

Little did you know, they were going to the defiled statue as well.

[[The italics didn't wanna show up >:((]]

❝𝐀 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥.❞ | 𝘓𝘶𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘹𝘎𝘕!𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat