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You looked around the abyss, it was quite a big 'nation' but nothing comparable to the others, you for some reason didn't see Lumine in sight. "Luli? Luli~?" You tried calling out her name— Or, nickname, in this case. No response. You spotted a herald, "Have you seen Luli?".

"Luli—? Ah, The Princess. Yes. She said she was going out to Liyue for a bit, sorry, my Archon." The herald respectfully bowed to you. Liyue? Why'd she go there? "It's fine, thank you."

You walked away, it's quite weird for her to get out, but shes only... Human, right? She also needs fresh air. Maybe you should meet her! Or maybe she left because she needs time alone. "Wait— I know where the Princess is." A child came up to you. Yes, there are children here, for gods sake. Sometimes kids fall into the abyss, okay?

"Yes, she's in Liyue, why?" you had stopped in your tracks, intrigued by what the child said. "Yes but shes in Liyue because someone named Dainslief is looking to destroy the abyss! But with you and Princess Lumine running the abyss, that bad guy won't get us!" The child said proudly, as your eyes widened at the sight of the name. "Uhh, sorry, kid, come again?"

"Someone named Dainslief is planning to take away the abyss!" the child repeated. "Oh, uh, thank you, child." You patted his head, as he smiled and went back to his group of friends, who were completely astonished about how he was talking to you, I mean, you're the archon of the abyss.

Dainslief. The royal guard of Khaenria'h. He fled before he could see his homeland fully destroyed. Betraying you. Without him, and the powers you once bestowed upon him, the curse took over the whole of Khaenria'h. The black serpent knight's also fled, leaving you and you alone to fight off 7 gods. By yourself.

"The abyss archon spoke with me! eeee!" The kid you just spoke to squealed in happiness, as giggling laughter could be heard from a trio not so far away from you, their giggles broke you out of your stance. "Wasn't I supposed to go to Starsnatch cliff?" You mumbled to yourself, rushing out.


"Everyone is finally here." The red hair said, as you had just reached.

"what a viewww!" Paimon said, looking in front of her, what a view indeed. The sky was nice and blue, and the clouds looked fluffier than usual, the breeze was a subtle temperature, and everyone was happy. Except you, of course.

"Lovely for a fated reunion, isn't it?" Venti said, as all attention was on him, you forgot to tell the abyss what was gonna happen—, didn't you? My god, can you be more stupid?

"well uh- We must be prepared for a fight!" You said, thinking of an excuse. "Which is whyyy— I forgot my sword? It's okay, it's okay, I'll be right back with it-" The whole group stared at you. "Uhh, okay! Go get your sword, we'll wait." Paimon said, "no, no, no! You guys go ahead and call Stormterror, B- Venti, will uh- Negotiate, plus I shouldn't keep you waiting any longer, should I?"

You truly forgot your sword though, I think you left it at... The Abyss... Ouch. Long trip— I guess you're gonna go steal a sword from a knight now, and then pretend it's yours...

Tiny, one of the best mages in the abyss, was accompanied with Dvalin. But now, you needed a sword. You spotted a knight, perfect.

Running back to the group, you looked at the lyre. "Hows the holy lyre?" You asked, looking at its state. Diluc continued on your question, "Can it still be played? Or does it need to be repaired?" Diluc asked, as you all looked at Venti. "Wow..." He mumbled, "Unfortunately, I think it's beyond repair." Venti also looked at the lyre, in its current state, it's useless now. Anyways, now that that's done, and they've given up...

"Dvalin is in a lot of danger.../We can't let this abyss mage get away!" Aether said, looking at Diluc, who had started speaking as well. These people just don't give up, do they? Stubbornness runs in the family, I guess. "No, we should make that Abyss mage pay first!"

no, not Tiny!

"If we don't fight the evil at its source, then we can't save Dvalin at all."

"...In which case, I will call upon outrider amber to track it down."

outrider Amber? Could she be the one you killed?! Oh no...

"No need."

"Huh?" Jean paused for a second, "Why is that?" Jean questioned, "I eradicated one not too long ago. In one of the four winds temples." Paimon cried, "What? When?!"

"If you want to track those monsters down, then I'll seek answers from my contacts. I have other ways of getting the job done."

Paimon sighed, "Diluc...

Though he dislikes the knights of Favonius, he protects Mondstadt in his own ways."

"Hmph, Wait for my word.

I'll be sure to let the abyss order know that their blatant disregard for Mondstadt...

Will not go unpunished."

And you all left, it was... Quite the experience, as you went down the cliff, you saw a brown-haired girl and Jean inspecting the dead body of the knight you killed. The red burny girl must be Amber.

You'll be there for the knight's funeral, though.


❝𝐀 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥.❞ | 𝘓𝘶𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘹𝘎𝘕!𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now