down in flames

7 0 0

Y/n Hermione movie night coming you mother yell but your not coming your stuff is all packed and you go downstairs

Hermione says a spell and erases there memory and you leave

3 months later

Ron I understand I'm afraid one of there names will be there too the burrows  gone George's ear is gone I understand You say

no you don't understand his parents are dead and yours left you you both have no family! Ron says

I thought you were my family! You say tears on your face

And you you  coming or staying? Ron says

Hermione doesn't answer

I get it I saw you two last night Ron says

that was nothing Hermione says

Ron throws the necklace and leaves

Phew months later again your back at Hogwarts and everything with Ron and Hermione and harry and you are fine but Hogwarts is at war and snape is dead

You Fred and say be careful you hug the rest of the weasleys and keep fighting you go with harry and Hermione and Ron go to the chamber of secrets and break the second to last thing

All of a sudden you can't see color

Fred...... You say

What harry says

I have to go you'll be fine right? You say

Yeah harry says and you leave

You get there and see Fred dead

No! No! You scream and run over no!! No!!!!!! It can't be! He can't be dead!! He can't George hugs you and cries as you sit there and scream cry you look around and see remus  and nymphodora dead too and scream and run to them

No! I'm gonna kill him ! You scream

You run back to Fred and cry by him

Harry arrives and starts crying too

Harry leaves again

Neville kills snake

You all walk out and see voldemort

Harry potter is dead! Volemort screams

No no! Ginny screams

Shut up! Join us or die voldemort yells

Neville walks forward

I hoped for better but I'm sure we can fit you somewhere voldemort says

I've come here to say something people die everyday today we lost a lot of people and now we've lost harry he was a great kid a good friend but even without him we will still defeat you y/n has lost her Fred because you and I know she'll kill you for that Neville says

Just then harry falls and gets up

You cast a spell and voldemort falls you and harry kill voldemort and Hogwarts is safe

death eaters leave but draco  leaves too even tho you ask him to stay

You say what Hermione said to make your parents forget you and her and you erase there memory of you

25 years later

Your watching harry bring his kids to the train and Hermione and Ron with there kids I have to I'm tired of not seeing them you whisper  you run to harry and hug him Hermione and Ron and they remember everything and you open your eyes in Hogwarts in the fourth year at the burrow

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