a sad bday

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You arrive and your birthdays in two Days

Hey dad! You yell running to him and hugging you

Um hi y/n um where's harry? Sirius says

Oh um he's coming tomorrow you say

Ok clean the extra bedroom for him and his friends Sirius says

Oh dad guess what! You say

Not now y/n go! Sirius says

You run up and start cleaning

Your beautiful just the way you are and you don't have to change a thing the world can change its heart You sing

The next day

Harry! Sirius says

You get up and sing the song you wouldn't sing to Fred and George and Ron the first time

You go downstairs and say hi and sit down

So dad! Guess what! You say again

Y/n what did I say! Sirius says

You get up and leave and go to bed

The next day

You just stay in your room the whole afternoon

Y/n sweetheart Molly Weasley says

Yeah? You say

You ok? Molly asks

Yeah? You say

I'm sure he'll remember soon she says knowing its your birthday

After she leaves you sing a song

There not singing happy birthday you just want to lay down and cry not just another birthday its 16 years old why can't you just notice me and know I'm here everyone else cares I just wish I was good enough you sing while crying

Y/n! Fred yells up

You come down in a dress in tears

Why are you dressed fancy? Sirius says

Because its my 16th birthday! Everyone else remembered ! You scream and run to your room

sirius! Molly yells

There Not Singing happy birthday! You just wish you could lay  lay down and cry! Not just another birthday! I'm 16 Now! I just wish that you would care! but who am I to think that you would!? You sing loudly very loudly

She's so dramatic its just a birthday! Sirius says

Sirius! She old enough to drive a car now she was so excited to tell you and aurther told her he would let her drive it! Molly yells at him

he rolls his eyes and goes up to you

Look I'm sorry I know how it feels not having parents who care and I do care its just that I'm finally seeing harry again y/n its been two years

The last time I saw you when you cared was seven years ago you say

Its been that long? Sirius says

Yeah it has well more then that for me you say

What? He says

Here? You say and give him your memories

I'm gonna die? Sirius says

But I saved Cedric so I could save you I mixed up a speed potion you say

Oh so move Bella in front of me before it hits me and move me out of the way Sirius says

Yes but it will be hard to do you say

Ok I'm truly sorry about what I did Sirius says and hugs you

Its ok dad you say

Lets go have cake Sirius says

Ok you say

You go downstairs and there's decorations everywhere

happy birthday Y/n everyone yells

Thanks! You say

You hug everyone

Back to Hogwarts

Oh no you say

What? Harry says

Umbridge! You say

Shes gonna hurt you Hermione says

Its ok I have a plan You say and pull out the luck potions you got for your birthday at Hermione's house

And you have the ten passes you just have to sign them Hermione says

Well I can't bring all four of us unless you also sign them plus if we get Percy we just have to make him remember plus I think Percy would just let us go you say

Not for me he might be my older brother but he's too into being a prefect he doesn't care really Ron says

No silly for me he's like a big bro to me too! You say

Oh Ron says

You go to class

You take the potion right before you walk in

Hi miss umbridge! You say and sit down

Hi miss black Umbridge says

May I listen to some music while I work? You say

Um well if it helps you think sure Umbridge says

Ok you say and Turn on the music

Ma'am what did you do to Harry's hand? You say

I made him listen and carved I must not tell lies She says

Leave the school and never return you say

Ok! She says and starts to leave but the luck runs out

Wait no! You you had a potion didn't you! Umbridge yells and comes to you

I didn't you say

She grabs your head and makes you swallow a truth potion

I took a luck potion I wish my dad cared more I wish that Ron and harry and hermione knew what I was going through and that  Fred and George knew what is gonna happen in the future and that everything will be ok and that I wish that I could erase my own memory of everything bad that's happened I just need freedom you say

Oh y/n.....Hermione says

And everyone I've ever loved had someone else they always had another girl but I habe that person to call my own now you say

Ok you may come to my office now Umbridge says

And I know your gonna. Hurt me buy I won't let you! You scream

Office! Umbridge yells

Everything that happened before happens

Sirius none death

You take the speed potion and save Sirius you move him out of the way

And the death eaters all disappear

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