03 | Hated Heart

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Why would he do that! Who is he to control my life like that.

"Why would you do that you bitch, I have hated you from the moment I saw you sleeping in that rocking chair and now I hate you even more." I said furiously.

"You don't know why I did this, Sienna. Do you?"

"No I don't!"

"I saw you Sienna, 3 years ago. Near the old abandoned house. You were passed out. You were a mess. I saw a knife in your hand, and dead animals surrounded you. Each of them cut in half. I know you did that, your clothes and body were soaked in the blood of those animals. You need help Sienna! you actually do, no person in their right mind go around killing animals." He cried, I could see his eyes tearing up. The forest his eyes withheld was torn down, all that remained was the dark oak woods.

Why does he care. I questioned myself.

෴ Flashback෴

I was forced to attend this hell of a party. I never liked party in the first place. It was one of the girl's who is in my class, birthday. Everyone was invited, so was I. But I planned not to go, right than the girl who's party it was came up to me.

"If you don't come, I am telling the teacher what you did last week."

"You wouldn't."

"Yes, I will."

"Don't forget to me a gift, Sena."

"That's not my fucking name."

She just smiled and walked back.

I did something miserable last week, it surely was fun for me. But not to others.

My science teacher bought her cat to school one day.

I hate animals, they remind me of human.

When the class was over, and the teacher wasn't looking. I stole it. Hid it in my trusty bag and when school got over I went to the nearest bridge from our school and dropped the cat. I watched as I screamed and finally fell in the river making a huge splash.

It was fun.

But right than, the girl, Joesy saw me. And promised me she will never say the teacher, and that she hated the cat too.

But now she's blackmailing me.

I may have created alot of problems in my school, but being expelled terrifies me. I think of my mom, who constantly reminds me that if I ever get expelled she wont let me go to another school ever again. I have beem expelled from over 6 schools already.

She claimed, she cannot afford my education anymore.

I don't like school, but I hate home even more.

When I got to the party, 5 minutes in I was greeted by Joesy and some of her friends. She asked me for her gift, I told her I don't have any. She tried to belittle me but her words doesn't affect and it never will.

Right when me and Joesy were in middle of an argument, her friend handed me a drink claiming it will calm me down and I drank it.

The world is now fading away. I was in the peak of the world. Everything was moving, the chair, tables, everything.

They drugged me.

My unconscious self, moved around her house like a lost person. Taking support from the tables, or the walls. I don't remember.

I went to the kitchen, kitchen counter maybe. I saw a knife. I am going to kill Joesy with it. The thought of that made me smile wickedly.

I took the knife and ran to her, I don't know where she is, I don't know where I am.

All I remember is screaming, "I'm going to kill you Joesy."

But I was pushed out of the house, I dropped something on my way out, someone lit the gas stove.

The house was on fire.

I just sat on the front door, listening to people's scream, they were burning. Some of them even managed to run out. Most of them probably burnt to death.

Whole bunch of animals came screaming, I hated the sound.

I hated the sound so much, I couldn't control my self.

I killed them.

Red and Blue lights were flashing on my face, workers were running but noone seemed to care about me. I was just laying there.

Until someone picked me up.

I don't remember who, all I remember was waking up in my house. All cleaned up. Last night was a dream that never happened for me.

My mom changed my school. Again. I never went near my old school.

෴ End of Flashback෴

The glimpses of that event, still haunts me. I find myself to be pretty normal until I remember what I do when I'm not in control.

"Did you take me home that day?"

"Yes, your mom wasn't home."

She wouldn't be, she's working 24/7 I only see her back, once I'm back from the centre.

I'm not surprised he knows where I live, when he owns so many schools and companies. He could have just rang up the school and asked.

I look out of the window, I can see the building coming to view.

"Can you do me a favour and change that shitty name."

He chuckled before asking me what should he name it.

"Just something, normal?"

"I don't do normal."

"What's my task for today?"

"Oh you will love it."

When he says something like that I just know I won't love it.


I think I'm gonna kill myself.

"You got me a cat?" I groan frustratedly.

"Mhm and you gotta take care of her, forever." He winks

"She's so not safe with me, what if I kill her. I hate cats!"

"Well, I'll get you another one in that case."

"I'm good." I give a sarcastic smile and hold the ginger cat in my hands.

I'm gonna name her Nugget.



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2022 ⏰

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