Spa Day

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When you are no longer required to go to high school, they consider you an adult. But that doesn't give you the right to be out of control. Being an adult brings a lot of responsibility.

Responsibilities Jughead has been doing for years, so is he an adult or has he been one since he was fourteen?

Watching the love of his life get out of control worried him. Betty has been acting out of character for weeks now, and last night made him think something seriously was wrong.

He hopes that when she wakes up and realizes how bad she feels, it makes her not drink as much as she did last night. Hangovers are the worst.

Jughead didn't get much sleep last night, his mind was too active with what's been going on. As he lays in bed, he watches Betty sleep. The position she's sleeping in can't be comfortable. He laughed a little. Not only will she be hungover, she will also be stiff. He thought she deserved it for losing control, but hopes this helps her with her decision next time. He smiles when he gets up. She is adorable.

He leaves her in bed and takes a shower. After he's done and dressed for the day, he checks on her one more time, and she's still asleep. He lets her be, he's not sure when she will wake up.

He heads downstairs to the kitchen. Cheryl and Toni are drinking coffee at the table.

"Hey", he said as he went over and opened the refrigerator.

"Sup Jones." Toni said as she took a sip of her coffee. "How's Betty?" Toni asked, as she sat her cup down on the table.

"Still sleeping, I'm not sure when she will wake up. She was pretty gone last night when she finally passed out," he said, as he sighed. "Ugh there's no food," he said as he closed the door, grabbed a cup from the cupboard and poured him some coffee.

"Now whose fault is that?" Toni said as she laughed.

"Archies" Jughead said as he grinned.

"Mmhmm, Sure" Toni laughed.

"I'm thinking of taking Betty for a spa day. She needs some relaxation. Maybe everything that's been happening has finally come full circle." Cheryl said.

"Maybe. I just know something is wrong." Jughead said as he sighed. Just thinking about her being in pain like this makes his stomach turn.

"I agree." Toni said.

"We just need to keep it peaceful around here, until we figure out what's wrong." He said as the backdoor opened, Pea and Fangs walked through. "Sup," he said to them. "Kind of early for you to be out already," he said.

Pea laughed. "It's noon and I'm just trying to decide what to do today," he says.

"Want to go for a ride," Fangs said. "Nice day for it", he adds.

"That doesn't seem like a bad idea." Jughead said. Cheryl was taking Betty, so he didn't have much to do for the day, except to chill. "I'm in", he adds.

Just then Betty comes walking in only a T-shirt and her panties that barely cover anything. They all seem to tilt their heads in amusement.

"Um Betts?" Jughead says as he quickly stands and goes over to her.

Betty mumbles something incoherent, goes to the cabinet and reaches for a mug, exposing more skin. Jughead growls, and Cheryl leaves the room quickly.

"Oh my god" He heard Toni screech, still watching to figure out what Betty is up to.

"What are you doing princess?" he said as he tried to cover her up from the audience in the kitchen.

"Coffee." Betty grumbled.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2022 ⏰

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