Chapter 19: Time you knew

Start from the beginning

My friends were still chuckling as Jester tried to haul Ethan to his feet. But let’s face it that dude was tiny compared to Ethan, the fat ass. I felt Nick’s hot breath on my neck as he placed me to my feet and held me to his chest.

I squeal and squirmed in his arms chuckling and trying to hide my neck by raising my shoulder “Stop it tickles!” I whimpered with laughter. Nick sniggered and thankfully stopped letting his breath tickle my neck.  

“Where are you going?” I drawled when I saw Kenzi and Reece walking back inside the house.

“For a drink” Kenzi waved off, in a duh tone.

I sighed and watched Ethan and Jester struggling to climb to their feet with a pout on my face. I glanced at Nick and sighed. He didn’t look at me. I frowned and sighed even louder – once again I was blanked.

I cleared my throat and sighed dramatically, nick turned to me with a raised brow and that cheeky smirk on his face. He batted his eyelashes innocently “What? Were you trying to get my attention?”

I huffed and crossed my arms across my chest, making Nick’s eyes to trail down to my chest. “Were you ignoring me Mr?” I asked sternly.

He grinned “Whatever gave you that idea?”

I pout again and Nick flicks my nose, I glare “How is it that even when you’re drunk you’re still annoying and no fun”

“No fun my ass! I’m fun you’re the boring one”

I grumbled and sighed gripping a handful of his shirt and pulling him close to me. I got up onto my tiptoes and stared up at him as his head tilted down so he could see me. “I want a pet chicken”

His brow rose up into his hairline “A chicken?”

I nod my head curtly “Yep” I mumble popping the ‘P’

“Ok” he drawled, with a lazy smile “But what do you want me to do about it?”

I roll my eyes “Duh, what do you think? Come with me to get one from Tesco”

He snorted and coughed, before bending over and clutching is stomach with laughter. His eyes were watering and he was howling with laughter.

“What’s your problem you-you zombie clown?” I exclaim in a outrage, making him smirk at me.

“Fuck, you’re dumb. You don’t get chickens from Tesco only the dead kind, you get them from a farm or something like that” He trails off, gazing around as if looking for Ethan and Jester who had suspiciously disappeared.

“A farm?” I ask, before a huge devious grin lights my face up like the fourth of July “Like old man Ritter’s farm a little further down the road?”

He taps his chin and pouts his lips in thought making him look adorable “Yeah, I guess”

“Great!” I chirp, grabbing his wrist and pulling him down the road “Let’s go get me a chicken” I mumble in a terrible cow boy’s accent.

“What? No” he protested but his voice came out low and whiney.

“Oh cry me a river you zombie clown and get a life! Who’s the boring one now, huh?” I taunted with a knowing smirk.

Hell, I was one devious bitch when I was drunk.

He scowled down at me and stuck out his chest defensively “I am not boring, you are. Now come on” he declared stomping down the road.

I just stared at his retreating form with a huge goofy grin, as my heart strangle fluttered. But of course the moment was quickly ruined when I ran at him screaming like Tarzan “Catch me fool”

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