The trader

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Maxon's POV

I just got out of a meeting. I was on my way to dinner when the rebel alarm started blaring. 2 guards escorted me to the safe room. My mom was there but there was no sign of America. I started to pace the room. I was pacing for hours thinking about her. 'What if I never see her again? Her and my children. What if she was captured? Or worse killed at sight. After a few minutes a guard came and proved my worst fears "your majesty I am sorry. The rebel have taken the queen and commander ledger." My mother ran up behind me and held me close. I couldn't contain my tears. I called an emergency meeting "I don't care what you have to do you are to find the queen and bring her back safely!" I ran out of the room. I found myself laying in americas bed. It still smelled like her. I don't know how long I had been there. My eyes were all red and puffy from crying. At some point my mother came in and without a word she laid down and pulled me into a hug "what if we never see her again?" I cried " what if they killed her or shipped her to Asia?" "She strong maxon. She's alive I can feel it." We spent the night in each other's arms.

One week later.

It was 3:27 off j the morning when I woke up to a guard shaking me awake. I was about to yell at them when I realized it was carter "Maxon! Maxon wake up! They found her! America's alive and safe in the hospital wing!" I ran out of my room. I reached the hospital wing. I saw America laying in the hospital bed "Maxon?" She asked staring straight at me "Maxon!" She yelled I ran over to her. "Your ok!" I laughed I was filled with so many emotions. I was happy America was safe. Relived she was back in my arms. Angry that the people that did this are still breathing. Worried about my unborn children. After America had fallen asleep the doctor did a ultrasound. I heard three perfectly healthy heart beats on for America one for Meredith and one for Amberley. I fell asleep next to America knowing that everything would be ok as long as I have my family.

The next morning the doctor told me that America needs to drink lots of water but other that that she should be fine. He let me take her to our room. America woke up a few hours later. I she squeezed my hand. "Maxon I have to tell you something. " she told me. "What is it my love?" I asked " aspen wasn't taken he was the taker. He was the one who kidnapped me. He is the new leader of the southern rebels. He wants me dead. He tied me up and drove me to there hide out. I wa there for 5 days when I was finally able to escape." The angry I had already felt for aspen was now multiplied by 10. How could he do that?! The woman be used to love. What about the woman he does love? Doesn't he know that Lucy loves America? Does he not care? I was out raged. I kept a smile on my face "all that matters it that your save. We will deal with aspen later." I waited till later that night when America was asleep. I walked outside my room the carter. "You are now the commander of the royal army. Tell you troops. That if they ever see aspen ledger again he is to be brought to me as soon as possible." I told him in my king voice. "I will explain later." I added.

Hello everyone! Thanks for reading my story! Sorry it took me so long to post. Please comment so that I can improve!

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