The Surprise (s)

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America'S POV

I felt the bullet hit me right in the center of my stomach. A fraction of a second later I saw some fire at Maxon. without even thinking I stuck my arm out at the bullet. I hurt a sickening snap. Before I felt the pain from my shatter arm. I fell backwards. Maxon caught me before my head hit the ground. The shorting stopped. The queen rushed over to me. I closed my eyes. I felt someone lifting me up. But that was all. Then the world when cold. It felt like hours since I saw maxon's beautiful face, but finally, I woke up to see maxon's chocolate eyes. "Hey, how are you feeling." He asked me. "Like I just got shot." I replied knowing it was the truth. I was trying to make him laugh. I got a chuckle so I did I guess. " Maxon how long until I can go to our room?" I asked. My back was already stiff from a hospital bed. "Soon, my love. Very soon." I could tell he was lying but he felt better knowing I had faith so I let it slide. I closed my eyes. I drifted into a peaceful sleep. Knowing I was safe and maxon was finally mine.

It has been a few weeks Since our wedding and I am finally able to walk around the palace. I slowly make my way to the woman's room. I find mom waiting for me. She as been spending every one of her free minutes with me. She even said I could call her my mom. "Mer how are you?" She ask her voice was full of happiness. "I'm fine mom I promise." I saw her face light up with joy. We spent the entire day together. Mom was helping me catch up with all of the work I had missed. We took a few breaks. She would braid my hair while I talked to her about my childhood. It was one of the best days I have had in a while.

I returned to our room to find an empty room. There was a golden envelope laying on the bed. I walked over a opened it. It read

This place you begged to go
Even though they said no
Meet me at our special spot
Right on that special lot.

I paced around the room. Could it be the kitchen or the prince suite? when I asked to go to the rebels hideout. Then it just clicked. The garden. I wanted to run there but I was still healing so I slowly made my way to the garden. I sat down on our bench. I saw another golden envelope. I opened it and it read

For that one special night
It was love at first light
I saw you dancing in the rain
My rain queen rise again.

I keen exactly where to go. I finally reached the roof. There was a sliver envelope on the railing. I ripped it open to find

This is the last clue

I never got to see you in the fall
So I guess I had to settle for the ball
You were a butterfly and I was a pirate
We were lucky there was no riot

This one I had to think about. A butterfly and a pirate. Then I remember the comment I had made last year at the Halloween ball. That me and maxon's costumes were the worst because I was a butterfly and he was a pirate. I walked as fast as I could to the great hall where the ball was held. In the center of the room I saw maxon. But then he disappeared. "Maxon?" I yelled "where are you?!" Then I felt a someone put a blindfolded offer my face. "Hey! What is going on." I heard may answer "sorry miss but kings orders." I felt the cool leather seats of a car. After about 10 minutes I felt the cool out side air. Then the warm feeling of heat. I was lead throw the place. Suddenly we came to a stop someone took the blindfolded off. Maxon was standing right in front of me. He took my hand and pulled me towards a table with champagne. He picked up two glasses and handed me on. He took a sip of his. But I just sat mine back down onto the table. He gave me a questioning glance. I gave him a look that said (I will tell you later). We danced and ate until dark. Maxon pulled me into a private room. "America what's wrong? You seemed extra careful at the party?" He asked me worriedly. "Everything's fine maxon I just have something to tell you." I replied. I can't believe this is how I am going to tell him I had it all planned out. I was going to cook for him and play him a song in the garden. But. Is it was all ruined. I couldn't stop the tears from flooding my sight. He pulled me into his arms "America. Please tell me what is wrong." He begged me "nothing is wrong. This just isn't how I wanted you to find out." I stated. "Find out what?" I had finally managed to stop crying. "That I am pregnant."

Sorry I haven't written in a long time I have a lot to do right now. I hope you enjoy.

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