For Maxon

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America's POV

It is the day after maxon left to go to Asia for the treaty peace. I had just finished breakfast with the king a queen when king Clarkson requested my presence in his office. On my way to his office I knew what was going to happen. I just kept tell myself better me than maxon. I walked up to the kings office an knocked. He opened the door an moved to the side so I could come in. He locked the door behind me. "Kneel" he states I do as I'm told. He walked over to his desk and pulls out a whip. He walked back over to me and I look straight into his eyes. "You will think twice before you ruin my kingdom." He walked behind me and brings the whip down onto my back. Each time feels like he is light my back on fire. Each time worse than the last. Soon the pain was to much to bare. As my limp body hits the floor I feel the whip come down again. Finally the pain is over and there is only peace.

I wake up in my empty bedroom. I want to get up but the searing pain in my back says other wise. I spend the rest of the day in my bed asleep only waking up when Mary brings me food or medicine.

The next day I skip breakfast but I get to work. I head to the lady's room to find maxon waiting for me. I want to run to him but I know my back won't allow it so I walk as quickly as I can. Once I reach him I rap my arms around his neck and give him a kiss. He raps his arms around my back and I wince. He must have noticed because he said "America, are you okay? Did I hurt you?" With worry flooding his voice. "No" I state "I'm fine." I could see he wasn't going to give up. But the rebel alarm started going off. Macon grabbed my arm and practically dragged me to the safe room. Once we got there we were greeted by the queen. "Have you seen your father?" Queen Amberley asked maxon. But he wasn't paying attention to his mother. " America please talk to me." He begged. I walked over and laid down on a cot carefully so I didn't hurt my back and more than I had to. "It's nothing maxon." I answer willing my statement to be true. "Please America." I give in "later ok." He nods his head. I close my eyes and slowly bright off to sleep. I wake up in maxon's room. Once he saw that I was awake he wasted no time "America please tell me why you wince every time I hug you?" He asks walking over and takes my hand. " the king wasn't happy that I agreed to marry you so he" mg voice broke. Maxon knew what my next words were going to be "how many times?" He asked I could barely understand what he said. " Maxon please don't make me relive it." I begged him. " please America." He begged again "12, he struck me 12 times." I started sobbing. Just then I heard him.

"Maxon I know that rat is in there!" He shouted throw the doors " let me in!" The the yelling stopped. The king walked into the princesses suite and walked started into maxon's bedroom. He shoved maxon into the bathroom and locked the door. He forced me into the floor. "America I told if you ever told anyone your punishment would be severely worse." He forced me to take off my shirt and my bandages. "Maxon I hope your listening." He brought the moment the whop and my skin connected I let out a blood crawling scream. Each time sent a title wave of pain throughout my body. After exactly 35 times he just left the room. I took almost all of my energy to crawl over and unlock the bathroom door. Maxon fell to the ground beside me. He had a wet wash cloth in his hand. He tried to get most of the blood off my back but I was still bleeding. Just then the rebel alarm went off. "America, I am going to have to carry you it will hurt but you have to keep quiet." I nodded my head he picked me up. It was a new kind of pain. This pain was 1000 time worse. Each step maxon took felt like I was being burned alive. By the time we reached the safe room I was sweaty and exhausted. Maxon laid me face down on a cot. Before I passed out I looked for maxon's face but instead I found hers.

Thank you guys for reading this story! I know it is long but since the last one was so short I thought this would make up for it. Please feel free to give me some pointers I will never miss and opportunity to learn more! Sorry about the cliff hanger!

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