Temporary Spells (Sequel to Sacrifices)

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Warnings: Slight mentions of Death


"I loved you and you still left me." Klaus said with a sigh as he looked at Y/N, who had been standing off to the side of him. "You promised you wouldn't."

Y/N smiled softly and took a step towards him. "I will always love you Klaus Mikaelson. But we both know Hope needed you more than me. If anyone was going to do it, it might as well have been me."

"It doesn't make any of this easier." He noted.

Y/N chuckled as she came and took a seat next to him on the bench he had been occupying. "Do you think it would have been easier if it had been you? Your family needed you."

"There would have been one less evil in the world." He said as he placed his hand on top of hers.

"Don't Nik." She said as she shook her head. "Since your daughter was born you have been anything but evil. You are and will always be the best thing that Hope needs in her life. If it had been you, your daughter would have been an orphan left with a broken family."

"She would have had you."

She smiled at that. "It's not the same thing though. Having your dad's girlfriend keeps tabs on you isn't something Hope would want, trust me. I've been there."

The world felt different to Klaus. Even now as he spoke to Y/N. It was no longer the same to him. For someone who has lived for a thousand years, death is no stranger to him. He has taken countless lives with his own hands and watched as others died by another. Death is supposed to become easier as the time goes on. And for the most part it had.

Except when it came to Y/N. Her death had hit him the hardest. After her death the world seemed to dim compared to what it used to be. The paints he used no longer held the same vibrancy. It seemed when Y/N had died, the brightness that surrounded her had been taken with her.

"How long will this spell stay intact?" He asked as he brought his hand up to her cheek.

"Until you don't need me anymore." She said as she smiled at him. "And as much as I know you'll hate to hear it, I'm looking forward to that day."

"You hate these visits?" Klaus had began to panic at the words.

Y/N chuckled and shook her head as she placed her hand on top of his. "I would never hate these visits. But knowing that one day you will no longer need me, it's kind of comforting."

"I will always need you." Y/N could see the tears forming in his eyes.

"Then I will always be here." Y/N promised. "Right here waiting for these talks with you."

She didn't have the heart to tell him that one day when he least expected it, she would no longer be waiting there for him as she had been the last several days. But Y/N knew that he would eventually piece it together that he no longer needed her as the spell had intended.

"Everything was different back then." He said with a sigh as he moved to stand up.

Y/N smiled as she watched him. "You mean before we met? Or before I decided to do this?"

He chuckled and shook his head. "Before you decided to do this. We were just starting a life together."

"And how would that be any different than if you had done it?" She asked. "I would have been the one left with the 'what if's. Its a good thing I'm a witch that could set this up. Because if it had been you, I would have been cursing at you without actually seeing you."

A smile formed on his face at her words. He loved that even now she still had her personality in tact. Always thinking positive and being his voice of reason when he needed it.

"Same time tomorrow?" He asked as he watched her.

"Of course." She said with a nod of her head. "Though can we not agree to meeting in a cemetery every time? You know I can go anywhere with this spell."

A smirk pulled at his lips for only a moment. "Where would you like to go?"

"That's completely up to you, my love." She said as she stood up from the bench. "Wherever you go, just say what you need to and I'll be there." She promised.

Klaus nodded and with a blink of an eye, she was gone from his sight. A sigh passed his lips at the emptiness that was now in front of him. He wasn't sure if he'd ever be able to do as she said.

The wounds were still fresh. The pain of losing her still ached on any given day. But just as Y/N said, there would be a day where he would no longer need these visits. He just wasn't looking forward to losing them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2022 ⏰

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