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Warnings: Character death, mentions of blood. Mild trigger warning for thoughts/talks of death (It's canon typical with the Series Finale, but I wanna add this in there just in case.)


Klaus was ready to take the Hollow within him if it meant that Hope got to live a long life, even if it was without him there with her. Klaus knew that his siblings would be there to protect her and be by her side whenever she needed them. Hope would even have Y/N if she ever needed anything at all.

While Klaus had been dead set on this plan of his, Y/N hated it. She hated every part of this plan and she had made it known several times. But as the clock was ticking down for Hope, Klaus wasn't going to listen to any of Y/N's plans. The Hybrid's thick skull was impenetrable once his mind had been set.

Y/N only had a few more hours before Hope would begin her first transition and the Hollow would be pulled from her. While Klaus believed that this was the only way, Y/N knew there had to be another. And the woman wasn't going to stop until she had found an answer.

She poured through every book she had. Looking for anything and everything she could get her hands on that had been left behind by her family. Some spells couldn't hold that kind of magic while others were darker than the Magic the Hollow provided, making it the very last resort. For if Y/N dabbled into the darker forms of magic, she knew she'd be lost to it as well.

However, when her phone rang hours later with Elijah's phone call, she knew she had been too late. Klaus had taken the Hollow into himself and with the help of Hope he and Elijah had been able to bring Klaus back to New Orleans before he could finish the task of killing himself. While one timer reached its end, there was another one that was beginning it's countdown.

"There has to be something." Hope said as she watched Y/N flip through the pages of her grimoire.

"I'm trying as best as I can to find something." Y/N promised.

Even after Freya had tried convincing Hope that there was no amount of magic in the world that could slow the Hollow from taking over Klaus completely, Y/N refused to give up. She refused to believe that there was nothing else they hadn't tried. When Hope came in and saw that she hadn't quit like her Aunt had, Hope could only hang on to the sliver of hope that Y/N would find something.

As Y/N continued to flip through one book, Hope's eyes looked over at the other opened book on the table. The design of it had been foreign to Hope. Even as she read the words along the page, she was curious about it.

"What is this one?" She asked as she looked up at Y/N.

Y/N looked over at Hope and sighed as she took in the page. "It's a grieving spell. One that my grandmother had created for my grandfather right before she passed." Her eyes moved back to the pages in front of her as she continued to explain. "One that would grant the person grieving a chance to see their loved one after they've passed. It's temporary in the terms of once the person has stopped grieving, they stop seeing them."

Hope's eyes moved back to the page as she ran her fingers over it. "Why do you have it open to this page?"

"A back up plan." Y/N said with a nod. "Because if your Aunt is right, I think that spell would be best for you."

Hope's eyes watered at that. Her lips had tried their hardest not to tremble. "Let's hope that it doesn't get to that point."


Y/N heard Klaus's footsteps as he entered the room. He could easily hear as her heart sped up for a single moment before it returned to normal. And as he entered the room, she never once looked up at him. Her eyes were still trained on the pages before her. From what he heard, she hadn't moved from that spot for over a twenty-four hour period.

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