Stressed Out

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Warnings: Body shutting down from stress (Its not fun at all to experience, trust me. Take care of yourselves.), Fluffiness, Mentions of blood and gore (if you squint).


It will go away any moment now. At least that was what Y/N was telling herself. The world will stop spinning and I'll finally be able to focus on what they are saying.

She had been feeling lightheaded for the last several minutes and she couldn't place why she was feeling that way. It had been years since she had last felt as she did now. The last time it happened had been because of the stress of a college exam. This time, she could only assume it was a mix of things that were bringing this on.

She tried to keep up with the conversation that the Mikaelsons were currently having. From what she could gather, they were making plans about moving on a potential threat that was in the city. No matter how much she tried to hang onto the words, Y/N could only focus on the fact that she felt like she was about to fall over. Her hand reached out to grab a hold of the table she had been standing next to as a way to steady herself but her fingers had barely touched it.

"Y/N?" There was concern in the voice that came from next to her, but in that moment she couldn't place who that voice had belonged to.

"Y/N/N, what's wrong?" Another voice filled her ears but she still couldn't make out who had been talking to her.

Even as she had tried to look around, everything had seemed to blur together. It was just a mixture of colors without any indication where one had began and the other ended.

"I-" She tried to get the words to out but her head was too clouded to get her brain to form the sentence she wanted to say. Before she could try again, she felt herself fall before everything went black.

A few hours later, Y/N awoke to the feeling of someone running their hand through her hair repeatedly. The touch was soft and comforting as she began to wake up. Her eyes slowly opened to find herself curled up in her own bed, with Klaus as her pillow.

"What happened?" She asked as she sat up slightly, her hand reaching up to her head. There was a slight pounding in her head that was already becoming an annoyance and she hadn't been up long. The last thing she had remembered was them talking down in the courtyard.

"You fainted...straight into my arms, I might add." He said with a smirk pulling at the corner of his lips. "You know if you wanted my attention you didn't have to go to such extremes."

Y/N rolled her eyes. "If I really wanted your attention I would have just said I was going home." That had usually got Klaus's attention right away.

While the two weren't anywhere close to declaring their love for one another out loud, they still cared deeply about the other. Klaus and Y/N's relationship was still new. They were still learning what made the other tick, what happened if they continuously pushed specific buttons, and how easy it was to have to worry about the other with the life they had found themselves in.

Whenever Y/N told Klaus she was going to go home, it was always an indication that he had been pushing her away and she wanted him to stop for a moment and think about what he was doing. To others it sounded as if Y/N had enough and wanted out of that life. But between Klaus and her, it was more of grounding sentence for Klaus to stop being his usual self and to let Y/N in.

"If you are joking I'm assuming that whatever caused you to faint wasn't serious." Klaus said as he sat up straight. "You had us all worried."

"I'm human, Klaus." She noted as she placed her hand on top of his. "I have my moment of weakness. Especially after the last few days, I should have seen this coming." The whole family was under stress from the threats they had been dealing with. Between that and Y/N trying to keep up with the world of vampires around her, it had been too much in that particular moment. "It wouldn't hurt to have a few stress free days."

Klaus was silent for a moment as he thought about what she had said. He knew humans had handled stress in different ways. Seeing Y/N earlier faint into his arms, had actually scared him. The woman had seen blood and hearts on a daily basis. Her fainting at them barely speaking about what they'd do to the new threat had thrown him off.

"How about we go away for a few days?" He asked. It had caused Y/N's eyebrow to raise and open her mouth in protest. "My siblings can handle what is going on here." He said before she could even utter a word. "You need a few days away from all of this and that is my main priority."

A smile pulled at her lips. "You'd really give up the chance to take down an enemy to go do absolutely nothing with me?"

"Of course I'd miss having the pleasure to be the one to end their lives, but making sure you are safe would be worth missing it." He said with a smirk before placing a soft kiss at her temple. "Now the question is where should we go?"

"I know just the place." She said smiling at him even though she gave him no indication that she'd tell him the place she had in mind any time soon. 

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