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*It had been not long after since Ma-Ri was taken out of Jeju Island and its infestation of monsters. All the crystals as income she had earned there were taken into the custody of the president of Korea, as they were later known as: "Property of those who lost the most in Jeju Island" and given back too all the victims families. Ma-Ri was forced to start over again with nothing, the bureau also ran a bunch of awakening tests on her and tried to figure out what her rank was but to no avail, her rank had become a C class since coming to Seoul. For whatever reason that might of been, it didn't matter now, she had a goal set in mind, "If that machine says my rank is lower, I'll just level my rank up some more" and so without warning the bureau, she walked into a blue gate. Blue gates are known to be Rank D to A, but the moment she walked through, the Dungeon Gate turned red and any hope of exist was shut off from her.*

Ma-Ri: "What? I've never seen anything like that happen on Jeju Island? Were the creatures there really the highest rank compared to here?" *She pondered once the gate shut behind her. She had no weapons armour and was questioning if she'd even manage to stay alive till she completes the boss but she had no choice, no one knew she was alive from her family, no one cared about her if she's not a high enough rank in the Bureau so she went into the dark dungeon hallway trying to find any creatures.*

*Thankfully the creatures she did find were all beast type monsters, meaning for her who had an easy time being able to control beasts, this would be a cinch and so she took over the monsters souls and made them kill themselves. Later into the dungeon she found a giant tanker class knight with a bunch of tiny beasts around him, its almost as if this dungeon wanted her to reach the boss, she took over the beasts and stacked them on top of the tanker knight, dropping him to his knees. but the knight retaliated with a giant swing of his axe, she managed to avoid the axe barely as it scraped her shoulder and caused her to bleed. Letting out a sigh of frustration she controlled the beasts to go into his suit of armour and start eating his flesh from the inside.*

*While he was distracted dealing with the beasts, she leaped onto his chest-plate, as she grabbed his helmet covered head and began pulling and twisting it with her sheer apex strength from fighting other beasts on Jeju Island*
Ma-Ri: "The thing about large tankers is, they don't have any speed or flexibility, with that heavy armour on too you could barely move with my beasts in your suit weighing you down."

*"System Message! You have earned: the right "Will of violence" after having killed the dungeon boss, would you like to exchange?"*

Ma-Ri: "That was the dungeon boss? I thought for sure there would be someone after him"
*She looked at the system message that appeared in front of her eyes again as this was the first time since Jeju Island that the system had contacted her again*

Ma-Ri: "The right Will of Violence? What even is that? An exchange? I don't have anything to exchange other than the corpses of beasts and this knight, Maybe its asking for its armour for something better as i did mention how the armour was too heavy? Shouldn't hurt to see what it is right?"

*"Exchange completed, you will now be given the "Will of Violence", Please place your right eye in the inventory for collection of exchange"*

*Finally, her eye fell out of its socket as she picked it up and almost vomited looking at it. The inventory popped up at the same time as she looked at the one new item in it, a right eye that was titles "The right Will of Violence", tapping on it she saw its stats: *"The right Will of Violence is one step into achieving final beast form, gain the left Will of Sin and you will be able to shift into your beastly forms, such forms include Dragon, Wolf, Gorilla, Chimera and so forth"*
Ma-Ri: "So this is what you wanted all along? You wanted me to sacrifice my own eyes for your twisted game?... Alright, I'll play by your rules, and one day when I have both Violence and Sin, I will hunt you down as the only apex predator that exists" *She put her own eye into the inventory but before leaving it there and closing the inventory she tapped on it to see what the title given to her own eyes were* *"Kint's Wish"*
Ma-Ri: "Kint? Doesn't that mean child in German or some shit?" *But before she could see if her eyes has stats at all, the inventory closed on its own*

*"Exchange has been made, you may now leave the dungeon freely"*

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2022 ⏰

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