An Eye for an Eye

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Warnings: Mentions of kidnapping, torture, and a vengeful Klaus. 

I do not and will not ever give permission for my fics to be copied and posted on other sites. Don't do it. Don't be that person that ruins it for me and everyone else. All Fics in this collection have been written by me and me only. The only other place they have been posted to is Tumblr. 


Y/N had been missing for three days already. Her whereabouts only known by her captor that had taken her from right under the Mikaelson's noses. The one moment they had been focused on something else entirely had served as the perfect distraction for her kidnapping. That definitely hadn't sat well with Klaus.

He was currently pacing in front of the table Freya was currently attempting to do a locator spell. This must have been the hundredth locator spell she had done in the last few days in an attempt to find Y/N. But each time she tried, Freya could sense the magic that was blocking her from finding Y/N. Everything she tried, even the darker spells, there was no way to found out where Y/N had been taken.

His girlfriend, who happened to be a witch, had been taken from him. The woman that he had grown to love over the last several months and had sworn to protect had been taken from him. At that moment it seemed like nothing magic, or his own attempts at tearing the city apart could find her at all.

"Still nothing," Freya said frustrated as she shook her head. "There's something blocking not only her location but any connection I can get to her magic to send any kind of signal."

"They've must have forced her to put something up," Klaus said as he continued to pace. If he had to be honest, he was losing his mind. He wanted nothing more than to find Y/N. To find her and bring her back to safety before he tore into the very person who had taken her from him. "There has to be a way to find h-" He stopped mid-sentence as a new thought had crossed his mind.

Y/N had been watching Klaus paint away from her spot on the love seat of Klaus' study. She had loved watching him paint. How easily he could get lost into his paintings. As much as she loved watching him, she knew things in the near future were going to be changing.

"What is it?" Klaus asked, never taking his eyes off the painting before him. He had heard the slight change of her heartbeat. One that he had come to learn associated with her worry.

She sighed softly as she stood. She ran her hand through her Y/H/C hair, trying to find the right words to say to the man. Her visions were never wrong, no matter how many times she tried to change them, they always happened. This was one of those times.

"I had another vision last night." She said as she walked over to him. "There is a new enemy in the future and it has me worried."

Klaus put the paintbrush down and turned towards her. He placed his hand on her cheek. "We've been through this before, no enemy is a match for us. We'll be able to handle it. You just tell us when and where and we'll be ready."

Y/N leaned into his touch and smiled at him. "I know, but this time it's not you that I'm worried about."

An eyebrow rose on his face. "What do you mean?" He asked.

She shrugged slightly before pulling his hand away from her face. With her other hand, she placed a small device in his hand. "If there ever comes a time that you won't be able to find me, this will help."

Klaus didn't even look at the item in his hand. "The vision was about you, wasn't it?"

She nodded, her Y/E/C eyes scanning his face. "I don't know when it will happen, I just want to take precautions for when it does happen."

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