Sarge: You know, I didn't even think about that until just this second. Kind of in hindsight. Probably best not to mention it to him if you see him.

Alex: Why do you think I was trying to tell you.

Simmons: Meh, he wouldn't understand anyway.

Church: Your team sucks.

Sarge: At least our robot isn't the leader of our team. Bluebot.

Caboose finally wakes up and springs in to the conversation

Caboose: Hey! That's not nice. He means us right?

Church: Yes, and shut up.

Washington: Stop it! I can't stand this. No more bickering. You have to be the most immature soldiers I've ever met!

Grif: Your face is immature.

Washington: Shut up. From now on everyone just keep quiet and don't talk unless I ask you a question. That's an order. I need to figure this out.

Alex: We don't take orders form you.

Sarge: Hold on, you can't order us around!

Washington: Yes, I can.

Sarge: What's your rank?

Washington: My rank? You still don't get it, do you? You think you're real soldiers? You're not. You guys are nothing.

South: It's amazing you've made it this far because of the little training you've received.

Grif: Whatever. Your face is... nothing.

Washington: We used your outposts as testing grounds. Practice. You never noticed that you never had anything to do unless a Freelancer showed up, or you made a call to Command?

Sarge: ...You're makin' that up.

Washington: Am I? Think about it. Name one thing that ever happened to you that wasn't directly preceded by Command calling you, or sending someone to your base. One thing. ...Anything? No? I thought so. You three go assess the vehicles. See if you can find some trail of the Meta while you're at it.

Simmons: Ooh, finally a take-charge leader! I like it!

Alex Kiss ass.

Sarge and Grif: Shut up.

Washington: Church, get back in your armor. You're just going to draw attention to yourself like that.

Church: Fine. But first-

Washington: No, no first. Get in your armor.

Church: I really think I should tell you what it is-

Washington: Sh.

Church: I have a message from Delta.

Washington: Delta? Why didn't you tell me?

Church: Oh come on, seriously?!

Washington: How did you get in contact with him?

Church: He was waiting for me in Caboose's head. Actually for me to give to you. I guess he figured out I would get in there and find it.

Washington: How would he know that? Did he know what you are?

Church: Well I didn't tell him. But he seems pretty smart. Maybe he just put two and two together.

Caboose: Four!

Church: That wasn't a test.

Will: Really Caboose?

Caboose: Yes it was. I won. A-plus.

Washington: What was the message?

Church: He said-

Delta: Memory is the key.

Delta appears near Caboose 

Washington: Memory is the key. Delta is there anything else?

Delta: No but I would prefer a transfer I believe it would be logical to be moved to one of the reds.

Caboose: Memory is the key? What does 

Delta:  As I told Church Wash will know.

Washington: Memory is the key. Caboose stand still.

Caboose: Ok.

Washington walkes around Caboose and takes Delta's A.I. chip

Church: Yeah I know, it didn't make any sense to me either. Just sounded like some kind of stupid riddle or somethin'.

Washington: Gather your gear. We're leaving. Now.

Will: Ok then.

Caboose: I think he's angry because of what you said to him.

Church: Yeah. If I knew it was gonna make him leave I would've said it sooner.

South: I think he realized something.

Cut to Wash arriving at the Reds and an overturned jeep

Washington: What's the status of the vehicles? Report.

Grif: You could have asked nicely.

Alex: Agreed.

Washington: You're right, I could. Report.

Sarge: They're all busted. We could probably fix one by takin' parts from all the others. That's one of my specialties. Gonna take a while though.

Washington: How long?

Sarge: Couple-a days.

Washington: No time. We need to start moving ASAP. And we need six seats. You're gonna have to get me two jeeps in a few hours. Also I have an A.I. would one of you like it?

Sarge: No can do. Not gonna happen.

Alex: Why dose Delta want to be moved.

Delta appears

Delta: I thought it would be logical if I was moved and determined by your moves on combat earlier logic dictated I go to one of you.

Simmons: Logic I'll-

Grif: Dibs.

Simmons: Fuck!

Washington: Grif was it hold still.

Washington puts the chip in Grif's neural implant 

Sarge: We can only get one Jeep.

Washington: Then we'll have to get them somewhere else. And I know exactly where we can find them. 

Church: Why, where are we going?

Washington: Delta was right. Memory is the key.

Church: But what does that mean?

Washington: It means that only one thing remembers everything about these A.I. and where they come from. It will know how to stop them. We need to unlock the Alpha.

Church: The Alpha?

Washington: And that means we're going home. ...We're going to Command.

After end credits, cut to Doc standing in the middle of the facility

Doc: Hey Guys? I'm Here! Anybody?! You guys suck. Stupid windmill.

Red vs Blue season 6/ Reconstruction male OCOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara