Ch. 13 - The picnic Pt.2

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~Luisa's Pov~
(Word Count: 596w)
(Warnings:Sexual actions/thoughts)
Commission Artwork done by _.kiiiri._ on Instagram ^

I had never been in any type of romantic relationship before, I had never had the time for one, plus, most guys found me.. intimidating, more than anything else. But her, Dios just her, I had never thought about possibly being with a woman, and I knew it would surely be frowned upon if my family knew. But even knowing that, the thoughts of her still raced through my mind, keeping her company, holding her hand, doing her hair.. kissing her, all of it, it sounded so amazing, and it scared me just as much.

"So you said you have Alfajores?" I snapped back to reality "Oh right, let me grab them." The basket was closer to her, but I didn't mind. I got up onto my knees to get closer and I leaned over to get them, I misjudged how close María was to me, cause when I moved, I nearly knocked her down, ending up leaning partly over her. "Oh sorry Maria-" I started to apologize when I noticed just how close are faces were, I could smell the gloss on her lips, strawberry. She was smiling up at me with her beautiful blue eyes, I couldn't help but smile back, she was just so beautiful.


~Maria's POV~

Dios mio she was so close, I knew she had only gotten this close on accident but I couldn't help but want to be this close to her forever, it was just something about her, she just drew me in, like a moth to a flame. She was everything I could ever hope for, beauty, strength, kindness, I knew she was insecure, so I'm sure she didn't see any of that in herself, and it made me sad to think about. The moment she had nearly fallen on me, she had gotten bright red. I couldn't tell if it was from embarrassment, or maybe, more? I knew one way to find out, but If it went bad, I wasn't really sure how I would recover from it.

I slid my hand over, grabbing an Alfajore and pulled it back to us, she had yet to move away but I knew it was only a matter of seconds before she did. "Open." I said it softly as to not sound too demanding or anything, her eyes widened a little but she opened her mouth enough for me to fit half of the Alfajore into her mouth, she took a bite, smiling as the sweet taste of it hit her tongue, now was my turn. I looked her dead in the eyes as I ate the other half, licking the Dulce de leche off my finger slowly, all the while still smiling. I saw her eyes darken, and she licked her lips, oh yes, I was certain now, she definitely likes me.


~Luisa's Pov~

Ohhhhh mierda, I had only felt this way a couple times, but the way she just looked at me while licking off that Dulce de leche, it made me wet, extremely wet, I wasn't much for masturbation, but I knew what I was doing later. I also knew that I wanted her badly, I had never had the desire to be so intimate with someone more than her, I wanted to touch her in every way I could, I wanted to feel her shiver under me, I wanted her taste on my lips. Eventually I had to move back to my spot, or else I would have ripped into her right there. And the one thought that really crossed my mind was

I need to talk to papá.

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