Ch. 20 - Dates

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~Luisa's Pov~
(Word Count: 702w)
(Warnings: Mention of sexual feelings and sexual actions)

The past few months of being with Maria have been some of the best of my life, the village had mixed feelings about us, some were great, some acted the same, and some refused to interact with either of us. "Maria!" She turned her head and smiled at me, Mira was trying to teach her to sew, and they needed more materials. "Hey Lu." She got on her tiptoes to kiss my cheek "What chores do you have left today?" I saw Mira walk back over to us "Not too many, just enough to keep me busy for a while, I'm just taking a small break, what are you guys working on today Mira?" "Oh just some stitching practice but I ran out of the thread we needed.

After they got what they needed they headed back to Casita and I went on my way doing my chores again. It was easy getting them done. I made my way around town making sure nobody else needed my help before I made my way back home. It was close to dinner by the time I got back, and I had promised Maria we would go to eat at the restaurant tonight, but I was sweaty and gross. "Luissaaaa, you promised." "I know but I need a shower amor, desperately." She leaned to sniff me and fake gagged "Go." She pinched her nose and pointed to the bathroom "Rude." I said laughing. I got out of the shower and put on a nicer outfit of mine, and did my hair. I got out to the foyer and there she was with Mira. She was wearing a beautiful blue and white dress, it was new, Mira must have helped her make it.

We got to the restaurant and we're seated at a booth "So are we splitting this time or separate meals?" Now trust me, I would never let her pay for a meal, but I would compromise and just share one single one with her, or else she'll complain that I spoil her, which I do. "Whatever you want to do." We ended up ordering one meal to split. "So our three month anniversary is coming up, I wanted to do something special, maybe we could ask Isabella to throw her flower festival on it." Her face lit up "Oooo, that would be so much fun! And so pretty too, I would love to be surrounded by that much beauty, plus the flowers would be nice too." "Oo, real smooth Maria, but you're definitely the beautiful one of us." She gasped "Absolutely not, you are 6 feet of absolute gorgeousness." She playfully kicked my leg and I laughed "Whatever you say Amor.

We ate for a while while flirting back and forth. "I need to use the lady's room for a minute." She stood up and left and I continued on eating. After a minute a thought I heard my name, I looked over and Maria had her head poked out the bathroom door and she waved me over. I knew she could only mean trouble but I knew I would regret not checking to make sure she was ok. I got there and she pulled me in then pushed me up against the wall pressing herself against me "Maria!" I whisper yelled "What on earth do you think you're doing?" We had only ever made out a couple times, and only had gotten close to anything more once. "Oh nothing, I've just got a really good idea for dessert but I didn't see it on the menu" she said, kissing up my arm "Mm Maria, this is dangerous." She reached up pulling me down to her, then kissed where my jaw met my neck "Maria." I said sternly, she knew that was a weak spot of mine. "Mmm what, don't like it?" Then she did it, she licked up the line of my jaw to that spot. "Haaa" I gasped and held back a small moan. "Oh you've done it now Maria, Dates over.

I left the bathroom and went straight to the front of the restaurant to pay for the food, I watched her walk outside smiling, oh she was gonna pay for that.

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