Washington: (whispering) Caboose. Are you okay? Caboose. Dammit. Delta, are you here? Delta? South what happend?

South: No idea like we said Will and I found him like this we think we stopes the Meta form getting Delta from what I can tell his armors power is in armor lock I can't shut it off.

Washington: Damn! I'll use my healing unit to see if that can help.

Wash places a healing unit next to Caboose in order to revive him. Radio sounds

Washington: Church, I have Caboose. He's hurt, but I'm going to keep him alive with a healing unit. How are you doing with the Meta?

Church: (over radio) Eheee! We're dying!

Washington: Oh, great.

Cut back to everyone else except Grif as the Reds' Warthog, playing Tejano music, skids past the room they're all cowering in

Sarge: Hey, come on. We've still got payments left on that thing. You'd better not scratch the paint job.

Alex: And Lopez just built that.

Meta: (swooshing/growling sounds)

Washington: Hi. Remember me?

Wash approaches and fires at the Meta with a chain gun, and the Meta slows time, changes his armour back to white, and leaves

Washington: It's gone! Dammit! You idiots, we almost had it!

Simmons: Almost had it? We never even hurt it!

Church: He means before you got here! We had it crippled and you guys showed up and fucked everything up!

Alex: Sarge what were you thinking!

Sarge: Aw, yeah. You guys looked like you had everything under control before we got here.

Church: Hey, up yours, Red. I don't see you doing anything heroic.

Will: Not cool.

Simmons: It threw our car at us.

Alex: Who cares!

Grif: I'm fine by the way, just in case anyone's wondering.

Washington: Well, the three of you are staying with us now. I can't possibly hope to fight the Meta in this state with just Church, South, Alex, Will and 

Church/ Washington/ Alex/ Will: Caboose!

Cut to everyone crowded around Caboose, who still passed out peacefully

South: And who are the new guys.

Alex: My team the red gruff guy is sarge Simmons is the marone near and Grif he's the orange lazy one

Sarge: that's how you describe me your leader!

South: Ok so you think yiur the leader.

Simmons: Why did you all me a heard I am smart and I do think sarge is the leader so don't listen to Alex.

Grif: Eh he basically got me.

South: We'll this is going to be interesting.

Church: Wash, what's the verdict?

Washington: I don't know. He seems okay. I think he was knocked out, I just can't get him to come out of it.

Caboose: (mumbling) Whuh, I, memory is the key.

Red vs Blue season 6/ Reconstruction male OCWhere stories live. Discover now