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Sunday 23.4 (M/N)

It's 7:28 and I just can't really get up. Not like I'm to lazy nor tired. But in the same time I'm. It's lovely feeling. Wish I could skip it and get up.

Slowly moving up with the last bit of my will to be alive and started getting ready. So awesome to be alive. Thinking about reading again the greek mythology book 'cause I didn't get to finish it last time. And yes I didn't touch that book since then.

After choosing I chose some dark, little baggier, pants and gray t-shirt. Putting on my favorite sweater because today's weather isn't gonna be the shiniest and getting cold would be so annoying.

After some basic hygiene and quick breakfast, I grab my bag on and put in it the book. So I'm ready to go, just lock my door and I can finally leave. Connecting my headphones to phone and leave on my favorite playlist.

Spencer's pov

Today's been kind of weird or more specific I'm acting weird, not actually something really special more like unusual. Getting up before my alarm isn't really that big a thing but hour before is really something to mention.

After some breakfast and usual preparing for day I was really soon preparte to go. Like at 8:30 and that's kinda sooner that I need even if I walked slowly and getting coffee on way. Well maybe there's something else I can waste my time. Not really waste not you hopefully get it.

While thinking I started walking faster then I firstly planed. But that's still okay. Then the friend who usually drives me to work called me. Picking up and then hearing his voice speaking.

"Hey! Wanna take by my way pretty boy?"

After quick pause I gave him my response.

"Hey! No actually, I think about walking my way."

"Really, you should definitely speed up if you're planning on getting on time."

He chuckled while saying it.

"I'm on my way Derek."

Quick pause before we  break it in launch. After we said goodbyes I hung up the phone and put on playlist back. I'm actually in like 3/4 already on my way to Quantico, when I see park which I have to go through. It reminded me of that person.

Maybe I could ask them for pronouns and maybe contact. And yes as well name would be nice.

While going through park I find myself for looking for them in my view. That's kinda creepy. I act creepy about someone I don't even know. I should calm down there's not even that big change that they're here.

Then I see them under possible same tree as last time. After checking time I sat down on bench while grabbing my blog from bag to write him a small "letter" kinda lame I know. So what should I write..

'Hey, you seem really nice and I just wondered if I can I ask what's your name and pronouns :)'

Okay that sound creepy as fuck. No way I'm gonna actually give it to them. Maybe if I put under it mine name.

'Spencer (he/him) ;)'

Okay that doesn't feel right but I'm going to leave it like that. Sitting here for another few moments before realizing I should actually start going to my work.

The one who actually get up first was the stranger I actually stalking right now and they started going my way. Okay I wasn't ready for that.

I stand up and awkwardly look from side to side. That's weird of me really. And all that so we literally just exchange papers and walk our ways. Wait. They gave me paper too. Their lovely c/e eyes.

A/N ok I'm not that proud of it. :( I feel cringe. Okay bye go drink some water :) <3

mystery boy [Spencer Reid×!transmale reader]Where stories live. Discover now