🍁Romania 🇷🇴/Serbia🇷🇸🍁

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[Romania♂️ /Serbia♂️]

After the  party

"I'm so sorry"

"You really don't have to be, I'm quite used to this-"

Romania was only one left at Serbia's party, everyone left, his whole house was a full of trash and smell of drinks and sweat. They were sitting on the floor in living room, both leaning on the couch. Looking at mess around them. Romania looked at  shiny confetti on the carpet infront of them.

Serbia hugged his knees and dived in-between, loudly sighting. Romania felt pressure in his chest,then glanced his look at the poor country and tried comforting him. Romania put his hand on the other ones shoulder.

"I'll clean up-"

Romania said quietly,but he didn't receive response from Serbia, as he was still staring at the floor between his legs. Romania got up and started collecting cups, which were everywhere. On the shelf,on the table,floor,cabinet...

While cleaning Romania saw figurines and pictures on the shelves,he didn't even see them at first, but now they caught his eye. He tried hard not to stare as he was supposed to be cleaning, not dragging himself into someones private life.

He moved to dinning room, which was connected to living room, there were at least two times more cups there, some were still half full. Romania drank whatever was in those cups,as it was easier to collect empty cups.Romania couldn't care less even though not everything in those cups had good taste,and who knows who drank from those cups.

When he was done Romania looked around the room and asked Serbia:

"Where's the kitchen?"

Serbia let out couple of sounds that Romania couldn't understand, so he went to find the kitchen himself.

t wasn't to hard to find so he just continued gathering all trash,dirty dishes and drinks that were left and put them all in the kitchen.

Kitchen was quite modern but had some retro vibe to it. Romania really couldn't see it at first, but after going in and out of the kitchen many times, he began to see little patterns that gave kitchen that unique vibe. The tablecloths were the first he noticed.

When he was throwing all the trash away he thought he heard something, he thought it was a creak,but when it continued Romania finished his job quicky and went to see what it was.

Boy wasn't even sure if Serbia was drunk or not, but if he was, he must make sure he doesn't get hurt, even though something tells him that Serbia takes alcohol well. He can't risk it.

And it did came from the living room,where Serbia was, he wasn't curled up on the floor next to the couch anymore. He was standing almost as he knew Romania would come into the room just at the moment. Serbia wiped his face and asked:

"Are you done?"
"You know you didn't have to do this, I could've done it myself."

"I just wanted to...help."

"Thank you, but,you probably have somewhere to be,huh?"

"No,not really"

"Are you sure you're not drunk?"

"Are YOU sure you're not drunk?"

"I have barely drank any juice."

"Me too"

During the chit chat Romania realized Serbia's weird stance and some strange look on his face.

"Did you cry?"


"You look like you cried,also what else were those noises I heard a minute ago?"

"This really doesn't have NOTHING to do with you, so please just go home."

Serbia sighted and went to his bedroom.
Romania pretended to pack up and go. But he just went to the front door, closed and opened them, then followed Serbia to his room. Romania hid in the hall, with a jacket in his hands.

"What the hell Am I doing?"

He sat next to Serbia's room and listened. Door was halfway open, so Serbia couldn't see him. In the start he only heard sights and phone typing, but later those noises turned into crying. He soon heard Serbia talking to himself, something on Serbian he supposed.

Romania then leaned to see what was happening. He had luck that Serbia was sitting on his bed, back turned. Romania though he never would saw Serbia cry. He saw Serbia as a pretty confident and loud person, well at times. And he was incredibly tall, which had an effect when he spoke.
He was taller than USA, and that really tells you something!

He decided to sneak up to Serbia and try to comfort him, at least a little before he leaves. He knew that it was wrong enough for him to stay so long,but Romania was willing to take the risk.

"What's the problem here?"

Serbia jerked when he heard a voice speaking to him.

"What are you sti-"

Romania sat next to him before he could finish. Serbia really tried to take a look at Romania,but his eyes were filled with tears, not to mention he didn't have his glasses.

"I really want to help you. Look, I just can't watch you cry, I mean look at yourself, you're big and strong and confident, someone who has a clear path in their mind!"

"You're far bigger than me."

"I mean okay, rewind. That's not the point. I clearly see that the problem here isn't this one failed party."

"Well I can't clearly see anything."

Even though Serbia meant it as a metaphor, Romania understood it differently and started laughing on the spot. Which made Serbia laugh too.

"I think this story is far more complicated and unimportant to you, but thank you anyway, I appreciate it."

Serbia's tone of voice changed, he was clearly feeling better.

"Sorry if I was mean to you before,uhhh,also REALLY thank you for cleaning up, I hate doing it. I can offer you guests room if you want to sleep here"

"Wait don't I have somewhere to be?"

That last sentence made Serbia giggle the last time before morning. Romania got up from his bed and went to the hallway.

"Is it this room on the left, next to the bathroom?"


"K, goodnight."

Door of the guests room shut.

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