🌿{Trans} Canada🇨🇦🌿

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[Canada⚧️ (FTM)]

Shiny blurry lights and muffled sounds, that's what I remember from the surgery.

Canada woke up,poor country felt beaten up. There was shining light right from him, about 2 meters away. It drew his attention.
Whole room was white, he saw some shadows moving. He blinked slowly, everything seemed like in slow motion.
Hey,Doct- oOoo rrrr ! Caan-a dd-aa ...
He didn't hear the whole sentence, but he heard someone call him.
He tried to got up,but he felt strong strike of pain in his chest, so he lay down. Quickly many people where around him, just after he blinked.
They gave him some medicine, to be honest it tasted like microwaved strawberries, really artificial and barely sweet. As far as he understood them they said that he should rest, and something about lunch, being in some time. He didn't hear when it's going to be, so he followed the first advice that he was given and took a rest and quickly fell asleep.
After he woke up second time, he could see more clearly. He saw a nurse sitting on bed next to his. She called the doctor once again.
How are you feeling? You weren't really in your own skin hour and a half ago, now you seem better.

Thank you doctor, I feel better.

That's good to hear.
He patted Canadas shoulder.
Canada smiled and him and then awkwardly asked:
When's lunch?

Doctor looked at his watch.
It's in about 20 minutes.
Doctor stepped away and started talking with the nurse near the door.
Canada nodded his head.
He looked at his chest. It was covered in some kind of bandages.
In the moment he got filled with warmth,pride and confidence. The country nested in bed a little bit and awaited lunch.
In this time he thought about things, nobody was in this section of hospital except him.
He was looking around the room a little bit, spotted a spider, counted the tiles on the floor, discovered deck of cards in his night cabinet.
And got his lunch, nothing too special, soup with lots of veggies and cooked meat with rice. Rice was little bit soggy, but that's a invaluable piece of information.
Canada felt lonely, he didn't invited his family for a purpose. Actually his family doesn't even know he was on surgery, they don't contact him to much. America would make it too big of a deal, someone would say that it's a bad idea, someone would. Canada didn't want to worry about that. He will tell him or show him that once, when they will go to a beach or at the sauna. Maybe at a sleepover.

He would be in a hospital for couple of days. Nobody noticed that he was gone, just like the country though. Next goal was crotch operation, but he would need a lot of money for that.
He is already 300 USD in, but that's not even near to enough.
He accoplished another one of his big goals towards the transition.
And highlighted this day in his diary.

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