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"So, what the plan you have prepared for me today?" I asked as we got into Kegan's car in the hospital parking lot.

It has been about a week since Kegan's parents visited me. That day I had apologized to them for being such a bitch and they just laughed it out and told me it doesn't matter. They told me that they never believed Kegan when he told them what happened with me a year ago. They had also encouraged him to go find me and get me back saying it couldn't be real.

I felt really bad for I have done but it didn't seem to really bother them as they filled the room with their conversations and laughter and gifted me with a lot of hugs.

The week after that went really well if I have to be honest. My health had been a lot better and I felt more energized. The more time I spend with Kegan, the better I felt. It was as if he was a better medicine than what my doctor has been prescribing me.

Fawn had said something about this being a result of the soulmate bond which Athena and I had just raised out eyebrows at. That girl was the best, but when it came to soulmate legends, she was an obsessed believer whether she agreed to it or not.

So, thanks to this new medicine called Kegan, I have been doing really well, so much so that the doctor had permitted us with a day out. And Kegan had made it his biggest priority to make it one of the best days of my life.

"I can't tell you even if I wanted to, because it's a surprise and I don't want to ruin it." Kegan chucked at he drove out of the hospital.

"Okay, Mr. I-love-surprising." I pouted and his chuckled turned into laughter. He sounded so happy that I ended up joining his laughter.

I turned on some music on the radio and we were singing out loud, when we finally reached our destination. To my surprise, he pulled out at the parking lot near the aquarium. A smile graced my lips as he cut of the engine and we both got out.

"You still remembered." I said, not as a question but he hummed anyways.

"How can I forget our first date?" He chuckled and nudged lightly with his elbow.

"That was a date? I thought it was just a hang out as friends." I giggled as we walked towards the entrance of the aquarium.

"I don't know about you, but for me it definitely was a date. You have no idea how I excited I had been to finally spend some alone time with you back then." He spoke.

"Well, I knew very well that you were excited. Your mouth was open while you looked around with wide eyes the whole time. You were literally like a little kid that day. And I thought it was adorable." I teased him and he his chuckles turned into rich laughter.

"I sure was mesmerized about everything around me that day. I can't deny that. But I was most mesmerized by having you with me." He said as his calmed down his laughter into a loving smile.

I looked into his eyes as I returned his smile with a peck on his lips. Then I slipped my hand into his and smiled before we walked inside and started looking around. We somehow decided to retrace our footsteps from before which kind of sounded weird but it was fun. We walked around whole place, looking at the fishes and laughing around while holding hands. I haven't had that much fun and laughter in so long that I forgot that I was sick. It felt so normal and so wonderful.

The biggest room had the biggest tank which we had stopped to look at. It had a variety of fishes like sharks, stingrays and many other big fishes which I don't know of. As I stood there watching them while holding Kegan's hand, a rush of calmness ran through me. It was so calm and peaceful that I wished time would stop at that moment so I could be in that beautiful moment. A smile graced my lips and I leaned into Kegan for his warmth. He immediately wrapped his hand around me and kissed the temple of my forehead.

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