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"Okay, you can go and take a seat now Faye." Yuuji announced and mouthed a 'have fun' when I turned around to give him a smile before I went to take a seat. I gave him a bright smile with a tiny nod before I walked to the first row where the gang sat together. Athena immediately gave me the biggest smile and the girl who sat next to her motioned me to sit next to her.

"Welcome back Faye!" Athena exclaimed and I thanked her with a smile. I then turned to the other girl and introduced myself.

"Hey! You must be Fawn. I'm Faye. Hope we become good friends. I've heard a lot about you from Athena."

"Hey girl! Yep, that's me! I haven't heard much about you from anyone but I hope I get to know you better. I'd love to make a new friend." She replied with a smirk. She had very long ashy blonde hair that reached below her belly button. And her big blue eyes stood out beautifully with her ivory skin. She wore no makeup at all and still looked beautiful with her rosy cheeks and lips. She had long curly eye lashes that framed her eyes perfectly even without mascara. She was also taller than me and Athena and had a beautiful body.

"You are sassy, I like it. I'm sure we'll become good friends." I giggled and Fawn gave me cheeky wink. I then glanced at Kegan who was very obviously ignoring me as he looked out the window.

Just then Yuuji clapped his hands to get attention from the whole class. "Okay, we'll begin our class now. First of all, I'll be explaining to you about your new assignment. And then I'll be giving you a lecture on portrait art and paintings." He then turned his head to me before he continued.

"Faye, you are very lucky you are joining us today. Because today, we'll begin the group project for this semester which will be due in three weeks. You'll be allowed to make a group of 4 to 5 students per group and complete this together. By the end of three weeks, you are required to study on different styles and techniques used for portrait painting and each student is required to find their own style and present one portrait painting of one of your group members. You may use any canvas size or type of paint that you prefer." He explained and started handing out the project briefs to the class.

"Right now, you can group up, sit together and discuss a little bit. I'll give you 5 minutes and after that I'll give the lecture. And I expect everyone to listen well and takes notes, as this would help you with getting started on your work." He announced and took a seat on his table as he waited for us.

"Well, we four are obviously going to group together, right?" Athena asked with a bit of nervousness as she glanced at me and Kegan.

"I don't know about these two, but I'm definitely with you." Fawn shrugged with a bored look.

"Of course, I'm with you guys. Plus, I'd love to be around Kegan again. But of course, if he's not chicken enough to still group with us knowing I'll also be here." I said, trying to provoke him and make him to stop ignoring me. Fawn let out a laugh and hid it with a cough as she tried to control herself. Athena swatted on her hand for her behavior and gave a sad smile.

Hearing his name being called, Kegan involuntarily snapped his head to the other side and then decided to meet my eyes. His eyes were cold and held no emotions in them as he stared straight at me.

"I don't really care about us grouping up. It's not like she means anything to me. Though I'd prefer to stay away from her bitchiness, we have a project to finish and we need a group." He spoke in a cold voice before he looked away again.

Even though I knew he hated me, his words hit me like a rock. But I decided to suck it up as I got up with my chair and sat in front of Kegan in our group. His eyes met mine again from surprise and I gave him a playful smirk before I spoke.

If Only You Knew Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz