To the one who loves you next.

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"All shadows of clouds the sun cannot hidelike the moon cannot stop oceanic tide;but a hidden star can still be smilingat night's black spell on darkness, beguiling

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"All shadows of clouds the sun cannot hide
like the moon cannot stop oceanic tide;
but a hidden star can still be smiling
at night's black spell on darkness, beguiling."

-Munia Khan


My dear moon,

To the one who loves you next, I hope they know that you hate waking up to the sound of the alarm.

That you always have two eggs alongside your Jasmine tea for breakfast.

I hope they know that you hate the cold. That even on the hottest of nights, you still sleep with two blankets, one of them being mine.

To the one who loves you next, I hope they dry your hair every night after you shower, because you never dry it well yourself and always wake up to a runny nose the morning after.

I hope they tell you that they love you every chance they get, because some days I regret not having said it enough.
Maybe you would still be here if I had.

I hope they always hold you during movie nights because you love being held, though you always claim otherwise.

To the one who loves you next, I hope you tell them about me from time to time, because though we didn't last, I hope I still left an impact on your life, no matter how small. I hope you tell them about our good memories.

We have so many good memories.

I hope they compliment you every time you cook, even though you never quite learnt to tell sugar apart from salt. Your passion for cooking always made up for the lack of taste.

I hope they bring you to your favourite bakery across our street. Perhaps then I could catch a glimpse of you, if I was lucky.

To the one who loves you next, I hope they never call you moon. Because despite it being selfish of me, I still want something that belongs only to us.

I hope they love you better than I did. Not more. Because I don't think anyone could ever love you more than I did.

I hope they always tell you how beautiful you sound when you sing.

To the one you love next, I hope you never deprive them of your light because the darkness is a cruel place to be.

With love,

Your Darling.


Hello! I'm back again with another letter to the moon. This one felt more like a goodbye to this beautiful love story, though I'm not sure I'm ready to say goodbye yet. I hope you all had a truly wonderful time reading this letter as much as I had fun writing it.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read it.

Looking forward to your votes, comments and feedback.




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