Case 4: Partner

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Shoutarou lunge at Octav and slam the floor as the mad scientist barely dodge in time.

The floor break apart into little pieces of concrete and Shoutarou use that to his advantage.

He swipe at the floating concrete with a very fast speed and picking up all the debris while enhancing them with his own Mana.

The debris inside his hand glow purple as he rush toward Octav and close up the distance between them in just a mere second.

Shoutarou flick his wrist and release mana enchanced debris right into the mad doctor's stomach.


A loud BANG rang out across the room as Octav get sent flying into a wall with many holes in his stomach.

Blood was dripping from his fresh wound as Shoutarou rush toward Octav again and try to curb stomp him but a petite fist ram its way into his abdoment, sending him into glass tube and breaking it.

Many shard of glasses pierced into his skin as he fell onto the ground.

He tried to get up but the effect from POISON is catching up to him.

The only thing keeping him in the fight in the first place is his own determination and rage. His Second Wind.

'Only if I didn't hesitate to tranform....' He thought to himself as he watched Octav get up and heal himself with that weird liquid again.

The doctor inspect the Joker memory and just throw it on the ground, breaking it upon impact.

"A weak memory with only the ability to boost it's user physical abilities. It's such a useless thing to me." The doctor said as he stand beside Rushia who just have an emotionless look on her face.

"R-Rushia...." Shoutarou mutter out as he look toward Rushia. Rushia look at him back in the eyes and the only thing she did is released a green butterfly without the doctor noticing.

Her eyes also seem to change a bit as she released them.

"You know Mr.Detective... I can't let you live..." Octav said with a crazed smile and walk toward the weaken Shoutarou.

Octav was about to stomp on Shoutarou head but he was suddenly blown away.

"Am I late...." a single voice rang out as Shoutarou weakly look back to see a figure clad in white armor and wearing a Lost Driver.


Shoutarou let out a weak smile as he heard the voice.

"You are damn late.... Philip...." Shoutarou said the last word before he pass out.

Philip is in his Fang armor with multiple white looking fangs coming out from his Shoulders, Wrists and Ankles.

Octav stood up and see Philip.

"Tch. Another Nuisance!" He yell as he throw a syringe at Philip which it just break upon making contact with his armor.

"I have to warn you, Fang alone can destroy a whole city in one kick. So let me ask you. Release my sister or else you will be the one that I ended up kicking."

"Hilarious Joke dino boy~ But I'm afraid I can't just let one of the last necromancer go that easily." Octav unbutton his shirt, revealing a Memory Tattoo on his chest.

He press the POISON memory and stab it into the tattoo as it get absorb into his body.

His body twist and turn as purple veins bulge up in his body ready to burst at any moment.

In a span of seconds, Octav have become an abomination of a monster. He has became POISON Dophant.

"I should have expected this...." Philip sigh as he press the Fang memory twice.

"Shoulder Fang!"

The blade Fangs on both of his shoulders glow and became a spinning projectile as it launch itself toward Octav.

It cut off both of his arms as the Fangs return to Philip.

"Ahhhh my arms~" Octav scream mockingly as he grow out a new set of arms "Whoops! It grow back!"

He look at Philip only to find the latter right infront of him with his fist reeled back.

"Don't get distracted in a fight!" A crunching sound was heard as Philip ram his fist into the monster's face.

Octav staggered back a little as his deformed face heal up from the punch.

Philip press the Fang memory once.


The blade fangs on his wrists glow as it sharpen.

Philip rush at Octav and throw barrages of slashes at him as the monster tried to push Philip away.

Octav shoot a concentrated stream of poison at Philip and push the latter back with the immense pressure.

"You are getting too close for comfort, Dino boy..." Octav said with a more serious voice. "I hate it when I get push into a corner. It reminded me of those failed projects I created..."

Philip said nothing as he push the Fang memory 3 times.


Philip run toward Octav and was about to kick him with the blade on his ankle.

"Fang Strize-!?!?" He was suddenly blown back by Rushia as she blast him with a purplish-green energy ball.

Philip is forced out of his tranformation as he struggle to get up.

"I would stay and play with you for a little bit more, but I got something to do myself. So Ciao~" Octav did a two fingers salute as he and Rushia got covered in black mist and they disappear when the mist subside.

"God damn she hit hard...." Philip groan as he lay down on the ground. "Let hope Terui-San come quick..."


"So mind telling me how the two of you ended on on the ground unable to move?" Terui Ryu, a police officer who own the Accel memory, asked both Philip and Shoutarou.

Both of them are on the hospital bed. But Shoutarou have alot of machines hook up to him.

"We fucked up...." Shoutarou weakly said as he look out the window.

"Oh wow. That's.... surprising...?" To say that Terui is shock is an understatement. He had known Shoutarou for more than 4 years. And to hear that THE Hidari Shoutarou failed is a huge hit for him.

"What happen..." Terui asked this time with more seriousness in his voice.

"A mad doctor named Octav Rungal kidnap and brainwash my necromancer friend who is also Philip's little sister. Now he also have a Gaia Memory in his possession." Shoutarou explain as he rip off the wires that is connect to him.

"Hey hey what are you doing!?!?/Shoutarou stop!" Both Terui and Philip tried to stop Shoutarou.

"I can't just lay down here and expect the problem to solve itself. I have to go out there and save Rushia from that Psychopath wannabe Small Might!"

"No! You are not doing anything until you recover! Plus, your Joker Memory is broken beyond repair. If you go after that guy right now, you will clearly die." Terui push Shoutarou down his hospital bed.

"In the mean time, Me and Philip will be the one that take it from here. Ok?"

"..." Shoutarou contemplate for a moment as he answer. "Fine...."

"See? Not that hard was it?" Philip said as he put on his usual outfit.

"Let me take care of the rest, Shoutarou."

"Thanks, Partner...."

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