The shift

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When Max drove up to his work, Luna peered through the back curious of all that would be in there. More so, she wanted to keep her guard up just in case Max was with the soldiers. However, she soon realized that he was telling the truth. The building outside looked like a big garage of sorts with nothing too fancy except a sign with the league name plastered on it in some street style art, graffiti. Max brought Luna in and showed her around for a while. The interior was spectacular. The walls filled with collector's items and posters of many games and TV shows. One room was brighter than the rest. The gym room was the last area in the tour. "And this is an area where our team will work out together. Everyone should be strong physically and mentally." Luna had no idea what Max was going on about.

After a bit, a teen walked over to him. "Mr. Winters, we have a game against some high school teams. How should we go about this?" The kid seemed to be very nervous. But, he had an aura that showed he was willing to figure it out. "Alright, Eugene, the team captain will talk about how a team should always work together to find a better outcome. Give them more than just, be a team, okay. You should be next in line for that job anyways so," Max stopped and looked at the kid. "Alright, I will notify the team that we should be getting ready." Eugene said. He seemed to be a bit more pumped up. Max smiled, "Have fun."

When the kid walked out, a big group of guys and girls walked over to one of the buses parked in the back. Max walked over to his office room and  started to type and work out schedules for matches later on in the year and hopefully the next year. "I'm bored." Luna said wanting to gain Max's attention. "We have computers you can try out. They  all have the same games and you can try out whatever you feel best at. I will see if I can be out there, soon, okay?" Max said keeping his eyes on Luna to make sure she knew he was paying attention. Luna sighed and went to look around for a bit. She soon found a computer to mess with and tried to work it out. "What are these contraptions?" She asked herself. "They are mice and keyboards." She was startled when she heard the voice. When she did hear him, she jumped out and held her branch in front of her showing the front engulfed in flames. "Hey, I mean no harm. I am Eugene, if you weren't listening to me and Max's talk. Do you need some help?" Eugene asked. Luna calmed down and nodded. Eugene began talking on how the computer works and gave her some small beginner advice.

When that was settled, she checked around the computers library and found many games appealing to the eye. Powered check, a large scale multiplayer shooter, Hitz, a zombie survival game, tearific, a turn-based destruction shooter game, future auto, a soccer driver style game, and power driver, an open world driver simulator. She wasn't interested much in the shooting games because it made her feel uneasy. However, the Future Auto and Power Driver seemed more fun to her. When she started up Power Driver, she saw a beautiful world and many lovely cars to try out and mess with. All the cars were unlocked, all she had to do was pay, not with real money, for them. She went with an orange muscle car with a small spoiler, speedy engine, and street tires. She had no idea what to do with tuning so, she skipped it. When out into the first part of the game, she realized how difficult this would be. Eugene had left to go and be with the rest of his team and Max was still working. Luna decided to grab a controller just to see how much easier it could or could not be.

Two hours go by and Max had just finished working on the rest of the schedule for that year and decided to stop with time management and check on Luna. He saw her driving a muscle as any new player would, into walls, barriers, other cars, and buildings. "You know, you are not supposed to hit anything while driving, right?" Luna jumped from his voice and laughed. "How would you know, smarty pants?" Luna asked rhetorically. "Well, I started up this team, played for five years and became the manager. I think I have some experience to play one or two rounds." He said making both laugh. "Well, let's see, you sure you want to join?" Max had grabbed out some kind of steering wheel and pedals. "Sure, why not have a few rounds and mess with the old reliable, again." Luna had noticed what he had in his hands and became flustered a bit. "Party pooper." She said in almost a very kiddish tone making Max snicker a bit. 

While messing around in the game and teaching Luna how to play, he figured how she was easily able to handle the way the game plays. He appreciated the talent she had. However, he saw that Luna became a bit bored with the games. "Uhh, anything else you wanted to do?" Max asked. Luna sighed. "Not really, kinda wanted to hang out with you. These games aren't all that fun but, it's your job and I don't want to bash it." Max knew that she did not want to hurt him with those words so, he was okay with it. "Not everyone likes the same things. I won't force you to do anything about that. What were you thinking?" Luna started to think about it. "I kinda feel like having a battle." Max didn't seem that surprised. "What kind of battle?"

Luna and Max walked out of the building and she took out her branch. The branch tip engulfed in flames and Max took out a wooden sword. "Well, this might be a one sided battle." Max laughed. Luna seemed to be very calm at the point. They had kept a distance until Luna decided to fire a ball of flame towards Max. He had dodged out of the way and watched the flame fly past and hit the side of the building. It had hit the side of the building but, not hard enough to deal a lot of damage. "So, using whatever you did will cause a lot of damage. I have another one of these wooden katanas on my back if you want to use it." Luna sighed, put her stick back into her tail, and grabbed the wooden sword. THey decided to try one last time before his shift was over.

After duelling each other, they had decided to call quits after Max was getting hit time and time again from Luna. "You seem to handle yourself well with one of these." He smiled and Luna nodded. "You could use a bit more practice. But, in the meantime, let's head home and get some food, I am starving." She said listening to her stomach growl. "That would be just fine." Max said heading into his workplace. 

When heading in, Max grabbed a bag and went into his office. "What's the bag for?" Luna asked. "The bag is for the times I stay here for more than a day. It has dirty clothes and other things like a toothbrush, toothpaste, and deodorant. I just have to make sure everything in here is nice and clean before they get back." Luna nodded and tried to understand the customs of the world. They soon headed out to the car and left

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