Soothing time

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When morning came, Max woke up early with Luna, the creature, still sleeping on his stomach. He smiled as he adored what it looked like. The creature reminded him of a small child with a love for foxes. He also could relate to this, as well, for, he loved foxes. Before getting up, he decided to stay on the small couch for a little longer and watch as the sun rose through the window. He kept a hand on Luna and pat her head a few time softly. Then, he got up, moved Luna over, put her back on the couch, and got it a blanket.

When he started going through his thoughts, he wondered. What was the reason for the name Luna? Not just because the moon was out but, was it the feminine voice that seemed soothing yet frightened or, was it the way it spoke? It did not matter, he wanted to stop calling Luna an "it" but, couldn't just wake it up for a question.

Max started to make some bacon and eggs for breakfast. The smell was relaxing to him because he loved to cook. However, he did seem to have a tendency to accidentally burn his food. So, that happened once because he was in thought too much. His smoke alarm started to beep loudly. When he heard the noise, he panicked and rushed towards the alarm to shut it off. When he got there, Luna shot some kind of fireball at him unknowingly. It was just very frightened by the noise and kept her stick in front of her. Max fell down pretty hard. "Sir, are you okay?" Luna asked. Max smiled, "Yeah, I am just fine. A burn never hurt me." He tried to laugh it off. But, the burn hurt a little more than what he had expected. 

Whenever he got the food finished he made a big plate for Luna and put it on the table. "Hey, Luna, breakfast is here." Max said. Luna looked up at him and then looked at the food on the plate. It smelled so good to her snout. The scents that were made melded together made her drool a little bit. Max snickered a little and pushed the plate closer to her. "Here, all of this food is yours. You must've been hungry when I found you." Luna's stomach started to grumble and she laughed a bit. "Thank you, sir. But, where do you want me to eat this?" Max looked confused, "Here at the table, if you want." Luna nodded and looked around for a second. It seemed in though of what to do next. "Are you okay?" Max asked. She answered a little after. "No, I never got anything from a nice stranger before." Max nodded.

Max picked Luna up and set her at one of the table's seats and pushed her in slowly. "Now you may eat in peace." A little worried about what he did, he also decided to get it some orange juice and poured it into a glass. Luna seemed in shock that it was picked up. Soon after, the juice was put down and she calmed down. Max grabbed a plate for himself after he saw Luna eating to make sure that they would be satisfied. 

Breakfast seemed to go by slow for the sole reason that they didn't really talk to each other for a bit. "So, uhh, how is the food?" Max asked. Luna looked up and smiled. "It's really good, I never had something like this before. My mom made some good food. She always asked if I wanted more. She knew the answer as I would always ask for more. She said I had a big appetite for such a small girl." Luna said. She had felt that she said too much. But, Max seemed to be intrigued by her words. "It seems that you loved your mother's cooking," He said smiling, "i may not be a good cook. But, I sure know how to make some good foods every now and then. Maybe we can have some together if you want to. Luna started to smile, as well, "I would love that."

After breakfast, Max grabbed both of the plates and cleaned them. Luna walked around the house and saw pictures of Max and someone else. The other person seemed to be a very attractive female. "Hey, sir, who is this woman?" She asked, very curious of all that was around her. "I am Max, by the way. But, that," He looked at the pictured and a tear fell out hitting the picture. "She was my best friend. We had been around each other since we were in kindergarten," Luna seemed to be listening intently, "When we were around eighteen, she had gotten herself an new car and decided to drive it to my place for a surprise. Unfortunately," His voice started to shake. He couldn't bear to remember what had happened. A paw was put around his body. he realised that Luna was hugging him tearing up, as well. "There is no need to go on with the story, I understand. I am sorry for your loss." She started to cry a bit. Max saw this and put the picture back on the dresser. "Hey, There is no need to be sorry. You didn't do anything wrong. It was just a few months ago. There is no need to feel ashamed for it." He pet the top of her head. Luna sniffled and held on tighter. Something in Max's heart seemed to pour out. He truly cared for the person in the picture and Luna knew that. They held each other for a little while, making sure that they would calm down.

A couple minutes go by and Max looks at his watch. The time was 8:43. "Crap, I'm gonna be late for work." He pat Luna on the head and she let go. He ran into his room and grabbed his work shirt with the words "Final Bastion gaming" on the back. "What do you do when you work?" Luna asked. Max looked at her. "I am a bit of a manager for an ESports team called Final Bastion. They pay me good and I help them get new gear and get them games and scrims to play. Not official games but, they are against other teams around the world. Not many call it a job because they lay around all day and they would be right. However, I make sure my team helps around locally instead of just gaming. If they cannot work together as a group helping others, how can they work together in a game for themselves." Max stopped speaking realizing he had taken off his shirt and Luna had been looking away for a while. "Oh, sorry, I'll, uhh," He soon panicked and tripped in his room. "Max, are you okay?" Luna asked. Max nodded, " I should be okay, right now. We should start going."

After switching shirts, they started to head towards the front door. Luna started to seem nervous before heading out. "Is something wrong, Luna?" Max asked, worried for her. "I'm just worried that those people will be back for us." She said. Max kneeled and got closer to her. "If I am around, you have nothing to fear, okay?" She nodded. "Before I forget," He had a small scarf in his hand. The scarf was a very pretty blue and seemed to be knitted. "I may or may not have time to make some of these things before or after work. It'll be a cold one today. So, I don't want you to get a cold." He slowly wrapped the scarf around her and they looked at each other for a second. After a few seconds, Max's watch had beeped and he looked at it. "Let's go, we don't want to be too late for work." He held out his hand and she took it walking out to the vehicle. 

The vehicle was a nice light orange SUV and was in excellent condition. Max opened the door For Luna and helped in and taught her how to buckle herself in the car. "What is the difference in the back seat and front seat other than where they are placed?" Luna asked. Max looked at her. "The back seat keeps everyone safer than the front because there is more glass in the front than the back. It more so keeps small ones like you safe." Luna became a little red and seemed to be angry. Somehow, she was angry in a cute way to max. Almost as if she were a child. Luna sighed. "Okay, if you wish to keep me safer, I will allow it." Max smiled and pat her head gently. Luna seemed to enjoy being pet on the head by Max. Something told him that this would be a very interesting shift.

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