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A couple days later...


Did you do it yet?



Ohm didn't even have a millisecond to think of a proper reason for why he was putting off "the talk" when Chimon was already right outside his place. He watched the three little dots blink and stop for a full minute before he got fed up and stormed his room.

With little regard to social propriety, Chimon swung the door open, located the idiot on the bed, and gave him a few snacks upside the head.

"Owwww Mon! This is not what I intended you to use the spare key for!"

"I think this is the best use I've had for it yet." Chimon roughly nudged Ohm to make room for him to sit on the bed and he snatched the phone from his bigger friend's hands. He sighed when he took a glance at the long explanatory message Ohm was about to send him and opened up the LINE chat with his girlfriend to invite her out.

"Wait!" Ohm reached out for his phone but his smaller framed friend ducked and his thumbs proceeded to dash across the screen.

"And sent." Chimon chucked the phone offhandedly behind him.

Ohm fumbled to catch it and when he looked the the screen his heart nearly dropped to the floor.


Hey, let's talk
I'll pick you up at 11

"Moooooon!" Ohm blanched at the fact that he had less than one hour to prepare for certain doom.


Okay, see you then


Chimon could literally see the tears streaming down his cheeks in mortification. He almost felt bad when he saw the big sad puppy eyes Ohm was giving him, but he knew it was for the best.

"You can do this Ohm." He wrapped an arm around Ohm's shoulder and pulled him into a side hug. "It'll be okay. Just rip off the bandaid."

"I know..."

"You're a good guy Ohm. Now that you know your true feelings, you shouldn't put this off any longer."

Ohm whined loudly and leaned into Chimon. "I hate that I love you too much to stop being friends."

"Hah please, you're lucky to have me. Now shut up and get ready. I'll fix you something to eat."


Ohm's attempt to pout his way out of it did not work with Chimon because he proceeded to nag and herd the taller boy through the rest of his morning routine until he was out the house.


It was awkward, to say the least, and certainly not how Ohm imagined he would spend this rare day off.

All in thanks to his meddlesome friend.

Ohm hadn't really talked to his girlfriend since the incident with the "double date".

During his talk at the gym with Chimon, he realized his recent behavior must have caused distress to not only her, but Nanon as well.

And that just made what he had to do next even harder.

The moment she got in the car, he blurted out that he was taking her out for smoothies at the park.

It was strange, but nevertheless, she came along, which only made Ohm feel worse.

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