poor introduction of our not so y/n y/n

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stories always have introduction pages, usually used to ... introduce the y/n . This is a good thing because you get background information on what's going on, but they can be a bit tricky when it comes to self insert stories. 

Something that makes me hesitate to read a fanfiction is when they make the introduction like this:

"Your name is Yuki🥺💖"

"You are 17 years old😂"

"This is how you look like 😍:"

You're related to [this character] and they are your twin sibling

[and then a photo of the author for some reason???]

First of all...

Why is y/n's always the same few names??? It's always either Yuki, Yumeko, Yuri, or Skylar? The amount of times I've seen these names in fanfictions as y/n's name is actually kinda scary

Also, if it's supposed to be an x reader fanfiction then why are you giving y/n an entire identity, and appearance. Doesn't that just make it an x oc story? I feel like it takes away the whole point of x reader fanfictions. 

(*bonus points when they add a gacha life avatar with purple hair and all*) 

I just think labelling the story as an x reader is kinda... misleading?

When they give y/n a specific race too... Obviously its not wrong in many cases but if you're writing  a y/n for a specific ethnicity I think its better to mention that in the title? Cause if youre clicking on a story and its not mentioned then you'll be kinda confused. I've seen people mention the race of y/n in the title, it's really not that difficult to do so. 

(Although in my opinion i dont really understand why people do that,  instead of making it for everyone instead, cause i dont think it makes a difference?  but its just an opinion.  if anyone knows a specific reason for this feel free to tell me cause i am just confused w(゚Д゚)w ) 

Moving on....

Giving y/n specific features. Not all of us are super pale or super short, and not all of us have short hair or bangs. "He held her pale hand" ???????? Ive seen people talk about this as well, And something I've heard being talked about is that  when fanfic authors say "Y/n's cheeks turned pink/red" it's sort of annoying, cause not everyone can blush/or shows when they blush. And I totally agree with this point! Something that I think people could do instead is say that their cheeks heated up instead. 

This is just my opinion, but these things really bug me when reading a self insert story. They're taking away the whole self insert part and just replacing it with some random oc the creator made.

Things I hate in fanfictionsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon