op y/n

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"Y/n has just started training, with absolutely no fighting experience , martial arts training, or any other stuff like that prior to her 3-day (not so) intense training arc, She manages to become a hashira level demon slayer within less than a week!  She defeats Muzan and all the upper rank demons without breaking a sweat , and lives a happy life with her now husband tanjiro! He needs to open the pickle jars though."

Whether even in demon slayer context or not I think we all know this y/n is the worst. Right! random girl comes and manages to learn something that took 2 years for our dear little mc  in 3 days. Its, so annoying when y/n is just all of a sudden so strong? Like it makes sense if she worked for that but she... didn't.  It makes no sense and it's annoying. Obvi i know authors arent gonna write some long ass character development typa thing but like come on yall dont make her the level of an ultra mega super demon or whatever

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