Deciding to go out the back, you had made it all the way across the massive living room and had the doorknob in your hand when you heard Trudgen's voice behind you, "What are you doing?"

You cringed, pausing just long enough to arrange your expression into one of vulnerability rather than the panic you felt. Of course given the situation maybe panic wouldn't seem out of character. You just didn't want to give him any reason to think you were up to something. Swallowing tightly you turned to face him as he made his way towards you, gaze shifting between you and the door. "I just wanted to get some air. I was going crazy upstairs. I feel so useless just sitting here when my dad could be dying." It was true enough. You just left out the part where you were being threatened by some faceless terrorist responsible for the death of Kylo's son. 

When he reached you his expression softened slightly, his normally sharp dark eyes filled with sympathy. You'd come to realize over the last few months that while Trudgen may have been loyal to a fault and deadly as a viper, when he cared about someone he dropped his guard when it mattered. It made you feel all the more guilty for deceiving him, but you couldn't tell him the truth. You knew without a doubt he would pick his loyalty to Kylo over you and tell him what was going on. Or worse, if he decided to help you Kylo would have his head on a platter. "I know. This isn't ideal. But you know Kylo. He'll do everything he can for your father, and you. But rushing into something that could get you killed wouldn't be what he'd want for you, is it? It could just make things worse for him in the long run." 

Ever the reasonable negotiator. It wasn't that Trudgen didn't have a point, he did. But what he didn't realize was that this all went far beyond your dad. It was about everyone you'd ever given a damn about. But you nodded all the same, reaching up to catch a tear on your cheek you hadn't even realized was there. "I get it. I just don't know what to do with myself in the meantime." But you did know what to do with him. You chewed your lower lip for a moment as you thought, pretending to be debating internally rather than plotting, "Actually, if you're not busy, would you mind trying to get an update from the hospital? Maybe they have something that could help Kylo get the right specialist to him?" 

While he seemed a little surprised at your request - you rarely asked the knights to do anything for you - he nodded after a moment. Reaching out, he squeezed your shoulder gently, "Yeah, I'll see what I can find out. Take some deep breaths, okay? We'll get this worked out." With a fleeting half smile he turned and headed for the stairs towards Kylo's office. When you turned and reached for the doorknob again his voice rung out from the stairwell, "Angel? Don't do anything stupid." 

Most of the knights had adopted Vicrul's nickname for you, and hearing it now just plunged you right back into a pool of guilt. You just prayed if you managed to pull this off Kylo wouldn't take out his fury on them. "Got it." You called back, slipping out the door without another word as he disappeared up the steps. 

That was at least three of them you didn't have to worry about running into. 

When you'd first gotten to the safe house with Kylo it had struck you how immaculate the grounds were. Nothing out of place. Seemingly sparse. You were certain the small shed at the front of the house where they kept their training equipment wasn't large enough to conceal any kind of vehicle, and your hikes with Kylo had told you there wasn't a garage or anything in an obvious location. You knew exactly where the helicopter was, but that had to be your last resort. But as you crept around the side of the house in that direction you vaguely remembered seeing that looked like a metal roof peeking through the trees behind it. 

Maybe it was just an image born of desperate hope, but it was worth a shot. Better than aimlessly walking around hoping a car would fall out of the sky with a full tank of gas and, you know, not murder you. 

Forever His | A Kylo Ren Assassin AUWhere stories live. Discover now