Chapter 8 - The Emerald

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Steve traveled back the way he had come to Herobrine's tipi. On his way he saw a shooting star land right in front of him. Inside was a chest with the words "Charlie's eyes only". "Who the fuck cares" thought Steve as he opened it anyway, "I should hire an astrophysicist to prove that these events are possible" Inside the chest was a map marked Candy Mountain. Steve felt a sudden sharp pain in his kidney. Dropping the map on the ground, he continued on his way. He thought to himself that it was lucky that all the leoplurodon had died or he might have been tricked into going to Candy Mountain.

The quick thinking on Steve's part saved him and his copenor thanked him by standing straight up. He was almost ready for another round. After taking off his new lime green suit, he first had to finish breakfast, which he did using the eggs he had traded. Herobrine was so happy that his wounds instantly healed, just as all wounds healed in this world, by eating food. The egg was just enough to get Herobrine back to full health.

"I feel ingratiated to you Steve. I am yours to take." Herobrine said suggestively.

"Good, because I intend to take" Steve said, as his dark eyes smoldered with lust. He took the emerald out of his inventory and held it up the the light. "What do you see, Herobrine?" Steve asked.

"I'm not sure, Sir. It looks like a green gemstone."

It's more than that, Herobrine, it's your salvation. I may look just like a rock, but it has some special properties.": Steve stroked the tapered ends of the stone. "It reminds me of something", he said looking down at his own rock hard rod. "Lay down"

When Herobrine was laying on his back, Steve roughly shoved the emerald into Herobrine's mouth. "Suck it good, if you know what's good for you" Steve shouted. Herobrine choked on the large stone, but managed to get the surface wet and sticky with saliva. Steve roughly flipped Herobrine over and forced his face into the dirt floor of the inside of the tipi. "Good" Steve said.

Steve dragged the moist stone around Herobrine's newly repaired asshole. In one motion he buried the phallic stone fully into Herobrine's rectum. Herobrine's insides expanded the take the entire stone into himself and with a pop, the emerald disappeared. Herobrine looked up at Steve in alarm, but Steve just rolled up his sleeve and buried his arm in Herobrine until he found the shit covered stone and dragged it out of Herobrine's punished colon. This motion was evidently too much for Herobrine to take and he came weakly on the cold dirt floor of his abode.

Steve was washing up at the infinite water source outside when he heard footsteps coming from all directions. The villagers were here.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2022 ⏰

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