Chapter 5 - Creeper Tendy

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 Steve then leaned into Jeff's scaly body and slid his copenor into Jeff's groin and slowly started rubbing against it, slightly cutting Jeff's stubby legs. "Hsssss" moaned Jeff as he glowed in and out of the red damage indicator. The copenor's sharp edge was so sharp it hurt! "But it hurt so good!" thought Jeff.

As Steve continued rubbing his copenor, Steve could feel "UwU" Jeff's heart pumping faster and his shallow breathing patterns growing deeper in anticipation for something...sensual. The mob turned its head around and gave Steve a needy look. It arched its back forward and slightly spread its legs across the tipi floor. There, in front of Steve was the Creeper's wet, red hot cloaca. Its wetness slowly dripped onto the floor and became enveloped by the massive pool of blood created by the friction of the copenor against Jeff's legs. In fact, the legs were soon to become stubs at this rate. Steve and his hyper realistic blood shot eyes then stared into the creeper's cloaca and he started to gently finger the hole as he now proceeded to shake his hips left and right hard, whipping his copenor into the mob's legs as if trying to cut down a tree.

Jeff alternated between moaning in pleasure and excruciating agony as with every hip swing, Steve inserted his finger into Jeff's hole and then hacked at Jeff's legs. "Almost there" said Steve breathlessly. The movement of his hyper realistic blood shot red eyes darted from cloaca to stubs as he excitedly fingered and shook his hips. Herobrine having finished cleaned up his cummy mess proceeded to watch his new lover create what appeared to be a fuck nugget and instantly came. Herobrine's pathetic 4" cock sprayed his thick white load all over the tipi and created a little cushion for him to sit on. "Lol" thought Herobrine. He sat his stupid little ass over on the cushion and proceeded to edge while he waited for Steve to give Jeff his love.

Finally, Steve gave one last hip smack and finally cut away at Jeff's stubby creeper legs. Jeff screamed and instantly shat itself. Panting heavily, Steve wiped about the fecal matter and placed into the now massive pool of blood on the tipi floor and fashioned a small little mat. Then, while fingering the poop laden cloaca and rubbing what was left against the cloacal walls, Steve then whispered into barely conscious Jeff's ear and said "I have more to share with you". 

Steve's Passion (x Herobrine)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon