"Yeah?" I asked and Nat came walking in.

"When you two are done making out, we are all ready to go." Nat said and we laughed.

"Want to see me off?" Steve asked and I shook my head.

"No, I want to see Nat off." I said walked over to her and linked my arm in hers.

"Wow..." Steve said with a laugh and we all walked outside to where the jet was on the pad. I hugged Nat and kissed her cheek.

"Be safe." I said and she nodded.
"Always." She said and got on the jet. I saw Sam go walking on.

"Be safe Sam." I said and he nodded.

"Always." He said and I gave a small chuckle knowing he was being his normal cocky self which I loved. I turned to look at Steve.

"Alright iceman, be safe...please." I said and he smiled.

"Always warrior princess. You behave while I am gone." Steve said and I smiled. He leaned down and passionately kissed me.

"And if I don't?" I asked when we broke apart.

"Looks like I will have to just deal with you when I get back." Steve said and pulled me flush against him and I moaned.

"Now you make me want to be bad." I said in a low tone and Steve groaned.

"I will be back as soon as I can, I promise." Steve said and gave me another small kiss as he walked to the entrance of the jet and walked on. I watched them leave and headed back inside and straight to Fury's office.

"Is he free?" I asked his secretary.

"He is." She said and I walked in his office.

"Agent Morse...to what do I owe this pleasure?" She asked and I groaned.

"This is not a social visit." I said and he sighed.

"What's the problem?" Fury asked.

"Agent Drackner. He is a problem Fury. I had to suspend him from training tomorrow. I can't take much more of him. At this rate he is getting more punishments than actual training." I said and Fury groaned.

"Yeah so I have heard." Fury said and I sighed.

"I know I don't have much merit here being the new girl..." I started to say.

"You are an Agent and trainer Andie, you have just as much say here as anyone else. Do you think being a shield agent isn't good for him?" Fury asked and I sighed.

"No, I don't think so." I said and Fury nodded.

"Okay, I'll deal with it." Fury said and I smiled and went to leave as his office door opened up and I noticed the guy who walked in.

"Pierce, I'm in a meeting." Fury said and I shook my head.

"No, it's okay I said everything I said I needed to. I'll let you go." I said and went to leave.

"Agent Morse correct?" Pierce said as I went to walk out and he extended his hand.

"Yeah, Andie is fine." I said as I shook his hand.
"Alexander Pierce." He said and smiled.

"Nice to meet you." I said and turned to look at Fury.

"Oh I did want to ask one more thing." I said to Fury and looked at Pierce. He showed no signs of leaving.

"Can you keep me updated on the mission Nat and Steve just went on with Sam?" I asked and he nodded.

"Of course I can." Fury said and I smiled.

"Thank you." I said and walked out of the office. I walked back towards my room and I stopped at Clint's room and knocked on the door.

"Come in." He said and I walked in.

"Hey." I said and walked in.

"I wondered when I would see you since Steve and Nat are gone." Clint said and I laughed.

"Yeah I had to go meet with Fury too first." I said and Clint looked at me.

"Everything okay?" Clint asked and I nodded.

"Yeah...just one of the newer agents is disobedient and I wanted to see what Fury could do." I said and Clint nodded.

"As along as you are okay." Clint said and I huffed a laugh.

"I'm fine Clint, I can hold my own." I said he nodded.

"I know you can. It's just if anything happens to you I'm scared of what will happen to me." Clint said and I laughed.

"Steve and Nat wont hurt you." I said and he shook his head.

"Not them, I'm scared of what Laura will do to me." Clint said and we both laughed.

"You want to go out and get dinner with me?" I asked and Clint nodded.

"Sounds good." Clint said and I smiled.

"Good, give me like an hour to get ready." I said and he nodded as I walked to my room to take a shower and get ready.

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