"OK, I can't wait anymore! Up, up, up! Oh. . . You're awake. Why are you all lying around in bed? Get here and eat breakfast! Today is a big day!" Delia shouted as she barged into the bedroom for a second time that morning. The three teens followed her outside quickly. It was better not to enrage their escort, moreover, when she was already somewhat annoyed.

An Avox placed a bowl of hot soup right before Dove when she sat at the table. Not even five minutes later, her prep team appeared with their usual behaviour. Words didn't leave her mouth. Thankfully, they weren't needed.

Ohan appeared hours after, dismissing the team with his hand. He dressed Dove in a puffy black dress, which remarked on her long-lost innocence. She looked like a widow going to her husband's funeral.

"Do you know about the theory of soulmates? I read a book once that said it only appears once in your life. I'm so sorry you found it and lost it so soon," there was it. Another piece of advice coming from Ohan. This time, Dove's head was clear enough to understand.

Everyone wanted her to act as if she would never fall in love again. Her true love, a poor boy from District Twelve, had died in front of her. She wouldn't recover from that, ever. How could anyone desire her when she was suffering from her feelings for a dead person? Not just any dead boy. Her soulmate. The only person made exactly for her.

"They speak the truth. When your soulmate dies, a part of you dies with them," Dove replied. Those few words were enough to tell Ohan she comprehended the situation and she was ready to play along.

The interview would take place down the hall in the sitting room. They cleared a space for the chairs and the cameras. Vases of soft blue and sea-green roses surrounded the space. Dove had to hold her urge to puke. How depraved was President Snow to remind her of her capability of choice even now?

Thankfully, there was no live audience, just a handful of cameras here and there with their crew. Her mentors were around in case anything happened, which helped her not to feel alone during that stressful situation. Caesar welcomed her with a hug once she entered the room.

"Congratulations, Dove. How are you doing?" He asked as he let go of the hug.

"I'm getting by. Thanks for asking, Caesar. How are you?" Dove replied with a faint smile. She was already playing her role of the pitiful girl. But she didn't feel as if it was entirely an act. Maybe she hadn't lost her soulmate, but she had lost a friend. Not just once, but twice.

"Oh, darling. I'm OK. Ready for your interview?" Caesar gave her an encouraging pat on her shoulder. Is he aware of the situation? Dove thought once he motioned her to take her seat.

"Not completely. But I know Alder wouldn't like to see me lying around all day when I've achieved to win. I have to be strong for him," she replied. There were no further questions after that until the actual show started.

Caesar started with a few jokes here and there. He managed to get a few chuckles from Dove, but nothing else. Moving on, he asked questions about her district and her family. A subject in which she explained little, close to nothing.

The interview was obviously having a gloomy atmosphere, but that was what Dove wanted. It wasn't long before Caesar asked her about her days of training with Alder. She explained briefly about how he approached her and how they clicked immediately. It wasn't exactly far off reality. It was only more romanticised than what had happened in reality.

"There's something that I've been wondering about for a while. We will sadly never know when exactly Alder realised his love for you. But what about you? When did you realise your deep love for the boy?" That was the question she had been waiting for.

"Well, Caesar. I think it was thanks to you." Dove announced with a chuckle. He looked at her in surprise and asked her to continue explaining.

"When you asked me to sing, I thought I had to take the chance to say goodbye to the people I loved. But then Alder came to my mind. And without realising I was singing about him," she explained. Luckily, she hadn't explained to Alder that the song was about the sea during the games.

"Was it then when you realised you loved him?" Caesar asked again.

"I was too confused at the moment to link it. But when he openly confessed to me during his interview, I just thought -Oh. So this is what love feels like-." Dove replied with a melancholic smile plastered on her face.

"I have to say that when I was watching you two, I couldn't stop thinking about what a beautiful couple you were. It was almost like you two were made for each other." There was it. Someone had obviously advised Caesar to bring up that subject. There was no way Alder and her were made for each other.

"Almost like soulmates, right?" Dove said. Alder, please forgive me for using you like this even after your death. She thought as she prepared herself to explain her absolute heartbreaking story about the death of her true love.


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