Chemistry |004 ?|

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¸.•*"you're dumb ass motherfucka you put the test tube on this side next to the other one." Connie yelled at Jean while you just snickered at Jean getting lectured like a little kid.

"Watch the language Constance."  Professor hanji demanded as nicely as possible.  "Yeah Connie you better watch the language." Jean snickered at him as you just stared between the two about to lose it.

It was Chemistry class meaning you had to mix up random shit and just learn what affects take place after. You never really payed attention much but you managed to pull through grades wise.

"Aw constance don't go quiet now you can't behave and watch your language without being quiet?" You walk up to him feeling on his chest while seducing him jokingly.

"W- what no I can behave." Connie said trembling over his words looking down at you getting nervous.
"Boy I'm just playing around." You chuckled walking away from him.

"I mean I can behave for you if like that's what you want like I don't mind I'll take a beaten from Ere-"Connie rambles getting cut off by jean covering his mouth.

"Yeah I think that's enough." Jean grinned removing his hand from Connie mouth as you shook your head smiling. "Alright class is dismissed please take notes on where to put your test tubes, especially you jean." Hanji chuckled while jean huffed rolling his eyes freaking chemistry

"Aye yo y/n you need a ride me and Jean gonna go kick off since it's lunch break?" Connie asked grabbing his belongings and stuffing it into his bag while you all did the same.

"Hm depends Eren had texted me this morning talking about taking me out to fire stone." You informed walking through the halls with them.

"Ight well let me know if you ever need one." Connie came over to you to dap you up before walking away with Jean. Passing through the halls like usually you stop by your locker putting your huge binder into it.

"You get my message this morning?" Eren asked stopping by your locker which scared the shit out of you. "Yes Jesus Christ you scared the shit out of me."
You sigh closing your locker.

"Alright well put everything in your locker we're going to use my motorcycle to get to Firestone." Eren Inquires looking over at you while balancing his head onto the other remaining lockers.

Doing as he said you look at him as he just looks at you with tired eyes. "Did you smoke last night." You squint gazing at him and analyzing him noticing he was a bit more faded than usual.

"Maybe." Eren mumbled as slump and tired as evere from whatever weed he smoked. "Then we should just driv-" you get cut off as he grabbed your hand walking down the hall with you.

"Nah I'm good come on." He demanded walking out of the campus side door with you to his parked motorcycle that was perfectly parked in the biking area the bikes gleaming glossy black paint catching your eye as you admire it. "Pretty nice right." Eren smirked. "It's nice or whatever." You said in an unsure tone because you didn't wanna admit it was a pretty nice ride.

"Eren you better not crash this fucking bike being high out of your damn mind." You said looking at him nervously since you were scared of riding motorcycles.

"What you don't trust me? Wanna drive then." Eren asked smirking at you since he knew you'd back out.

"Hell no I'd rather you drive." You said nervously waving your hands side to side so he'd know you were good.

"Mhm okay well grab the helmet if your so concerned scaredy cat." Eren chuckled putting his hair up with his available hair tie that he had on his wrist handing you the black helmet that sat on his bike.

"Wait You don't need it?" You asked concerned by the fact he was giving it to you rather than putting it on himself. "I mean your the scared one, just hold on tight and don't hop off the bike until we stop."
Eren demanded insuring you knew the safety protocols."im not a dumbass." You huffed while eren chuckled before replying, "you sure?" He asked as you nudged him.

Finally hopping onto the bike you put the helmet on making sure it was secure holding onto Eren you wrap your hands around his waist holding him tightly as he started his bike before pulling off.

Propelling through the streets and stopping at some red lights You hold onto Eren tightly scared for your life. "Let lose a little I'm not gonna let you die weirdo." Eren exclaimed over the loud winds.

"Eren please oh my god." a sense of teary ness filled your voice "are you seriously fucking crying I got you your fine." He chuckled going even faster on the bike before you both finally arrived to you're destination.

Hopping off the bike immediately once Eren parked you take the helmet off handing it back to him. "Never again hell no." You shake your head side to side. 

"Well I mean you gotta ride home so actually once we leave it will be your so called "never again." Eren teased giggling under his breath while grabbing the helmet from you hands placing it onto the motorcycle.

Walking towards the booth Eren steps up to the waitress. "Can I get a table for two outside." Eren asked kindly. "It's a date huh lucky guy" The man said dragging the *guy* in his sentence. Eren glanced at you before glancing back at the man biting the inside of his cheek.

"Yeah she's my girlfriend pretty cute right." Eren's expression now changed to a smirk as he tried to get the waitress to agree. "Yeah man she's pretty darn cute." He said eyeing you while grabbing 2 menus and some straws. you Rolled your eyes while following the waitress as the man seated you both at a table next to the street that was barricaded by some railings.

Placing the menus infront of you he leaves for awhile giving you both some decision on what you'd get.
Browsing through the drink options you decided you'd get a Shirley temple then changing your mind to just get water.

Looking up From your menu you notice Eren staring at you, tilting your head slightly at him he begins to speak. "Dress up real hot for me tomorrow night, I wanna see you at the party Armins throwing at the house."

"The frat house?" You question. "Mhm." He answered humming in response. "Hm I'll think about it." You grinned to yourself.

"Sounds good to me." Eren also grinned to himself looking as his Menu. "Welcome to Firestone what can I get you both." A overwhelmed voice spoke out.

"Oh if it isn't ginger from the gas station." Eren clasped his hands together. A laugh escapes your mouth covering your face with your menu.

"The names floch little girl." Floch rolled his eyes insulting Eren. "Mhm I'm a little girl yet your the one who's working two jobs not to mention you work on the weekends at a gas station." Eren chuckled making floch mad as he rolled his eyes once again.

"What can I get you guys tonight." Floch asked UnAmusingly. "Hm I'd like cheese steak sub with fries and water." You speak up. "Alright sounds good." Floch said blandly jotting it down quickly.

"I'll get the same thing." Eren said putting his menu back onto the table. As Floch rolled his eyes giving eren completely different energy than he gave you. "k." Floch said scribbling on his notepad before turning around to go tend to more customers. "Think he'll spit in the food?" Eren asked, "probably yours I don't know about mine." You chuckled as he did the same.


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