"And that's when you came inside?" Willow asked.

"Yeah. I'm sorry I kept you there so long, especially without a night guard." I looked at her.

Willow shook her head. "I just thought you said you were gonna work on stopping?"

"Technically, I never said that. I said the new animatronics would be killing them. The new animatronics aren't on stage yet, are they?" I could tell she wasn't upset, nor disappointed, she was just confused.

She sighed. "I guess." She pointed towards my bloody bandage. "We should probably change that."

I looked down at the dark brown bandage around my chest. "I guess so."


Willow and I went downstairs into my kitchen where I sat at the table and she was changing and cleaning my bandages/wound.

She had a warm bowl of water this time with a simple cloth, nothing to burn my ass off again.

Willow unpinned the bandage that was on my back, from the front of me. She grimaced as she tried to find where the pin had glued itself onto.

"Ah. There." She said, placing the pin onto the table and unwrapping my scarred chest.

I watched as her hands moved around my chest in loops until the bandage had found it's end. She carelessly formed the bandage into a ball, setting it aside before looking at my chest.

"Eugh." She looked at my scar, disgusted.

"Eugh to you too." I responded.

Willow pulled a chair in front of me and sat down just close enough to reach the wound comfortably. I watched her soft hands reach into the warm bowl and pull the rag out, gently squeezing excess water out.

I know she's not a big fan of kids either, she might even hate them as much as I do. But I can't help but think how she would treat ours.

I sound really stupid, I do and I know that. I just went and killed four kids because they took something they shouldn't have. I could have just asked for it back, the kids were right, that would've been enough to scare them. But I didn't, and maybe I should've.

I'm not saying I should've just asked because I feel bad for those kids. I don't. To hell with those infections. I'm saying I shouldn't have killed them, simply because I'm afraid I might scare Willow away one day.

I don't want her to leave. I don't want her to get scared, or get tired, and leave me here. Sure, I have Henry. I love Henry with all my heart.

But I love Willow differently. And I can't see her walk away because of me. I know she might say it a hundred times that she won't leave, even if she tried. But I can't risk her even having that thought. I hope Circus Baby's is enough to stop me.

"Hello? William?" Willow waved the rag in my face.

"Hm?" I brought myself back to earth.

"You zoned out there for a sec, you alright?" Willow asked.

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay. Sorry. Did you say something?" I looked at her.

"Yeah, I asked if you would want me to take out the thread and clean a little deeper, or you're fine with just cleaning the outside." she repeated.

"Just the outside is fine." I answered.

Willow nodded and scooted her chair closer, though her distance before had seemed comfortable.

She leaned closer to my chest with hundreds of scars, focusing on the more bigger and obvious one.

"Didn't you tell Maggie you'll be home late? You didn't end up going home." I pointed out.

Willow began gently cleaning the sewed-up wound. "I'm sure she figured it out. She said she'd be heading to sleep anyway right before I hung up. Maggie most likely didn't realize I never got home."

I hissed in light pain as the warm water found its way between the thread and into the wound.

I looked at Willow's face as she worked on my chest. I looked at her olive skin tone, her curly hair that fell perfectly on her forehead and ears, her bottom lip that appeared bigger than the top, her naturally full eyebrows, her long but downwards eyelashes.

It isn't often you'll find someone as nice to look at as her. I could stare at her features for days.

I realized I never gave her anything to change into and she had slept in her now wrinkly work clothes. How respectful of me.

Willow pursed her lips as she drew her head back lightly, holding the rag against my wound with one hand and reaching for the fresh bandage with the other.

She had been lightly squeezing the rag on my wound, allowing the water to soak up inside the wound. It stung, really.

She took the rag away and placed it back inside the bowl, bringing the long bandage into both hands.

Willow carefully started from the back, bringing her hands and arms around and around my chest as it slowly covered the threaded wound.

"Are your arms not tired?" I ask.

"Does it matter? Gotta take care of the big baby." Willow cracked a smile.

I snorted. "I could've done this myself, I just prefer watching you do it."

She sighed. "Once again, cleaning a mess for Mr. Afton simply because he wanted me to."

"You don't like spending quality time with me?" I tilted my head, obviously smirking.

Willow looked at my eyes this time, finishing up her wrap around whilst smirking back. "I never said that now, did I?"

She pinned the end of the bandage onto the center of my chest, her hands falling down to my thighs and knees as she pulled away with a sly smirk.


Willow stood up and opened her mouth to speak before the phone rung.

She took her eyes off of me while my eyes followed her as she walked over to the phone on the wall.

She picked up the phone and held it to her ear, extending the cord as she peeked over at my calendar. "Hello?"

I watched as she scanned my calendar.

"Yeah I stayed the night. Why what's wrong?" She asked.

Must be Maggie.

"Okay, okay stop yelling! Good god, I'll be there soon. Jesus." Willow slammed the phone back into its original place before walking back to me.

"Will you be able to clean all of this up? It's Maggie, she's mad at me because she doesn't know how to load the laundry machine and I'm not there." Willow asked.

I nodded, looking at the bowls and pins before looking back at her.

Willow walked over to the coat hanger and shoe rack. "Great. And you'll change the bandage when you need to?"

I nodded once more as she put on her shoes.

"William, I'm serious. Change it frequently." she pointed at me.

"Yes, Lister. I know." I chuckled.

"Alright then." Willow grinned. "I'll see you tomorrow, Afton."

I watched as she opened my door and disappeared into the outside before shutting my door again.

I'll definitely see you tomorrow. Wouldn't miss an opportunity like that.

i got like a sudden motivation to write this at 12 am so my apologies if it's shit i'm half asleep with motivation lol

Not Guilty // William AftonWhere stories live. Discover now