Fun time with class 1-A

Start from the beginning

Shoto and Midoriya Shoto's POV

I can't believe I was alone with Midoriya-san; he was looking through some adventure books

"Ah Todoroki-san look they have Harry Potter" he was really adorable when excited

"That's nice Midoriya-san, is that the one you were looking for?" I asked him

"Well... no but it's still an amazing book" he said, and I couldn't help but laugh, he blushed

"Heeey.... I just like it" he said and started to mumble

"Don't get me wrong Midoriya-san, I'm not making fun of you, I just find adorable how you get excited over a book" I answered truthfully, and he blushed harder

"So which book did you came to look for?" he asked me

"Oh well Momo recommended me this book called the perks of being a wallflower, and I decided to give it a shoot" I said, and he looked down for a second but quickly recovered

"I see, it's an amazing book indeed, so are you and Yaoyarozu-san close? I couldn't help but notice you were... flirting before the sports festival, then we had our internship and now you don't seem to be doing that anymore it's rather confusing" he said, and I giggled

"Me... flirt with Momo? Hahaha never, she is just my friend, and I must say dear friend that if you haven't notice she is dating Jirou-san you are dense, it's not like they hide their puppy eyes every time they are together" I laughed, Momo fell and bad for her, and I could tell it was the same for Jirou-san

"Is that so?" Midoriya-san said

"Yep, you can even ask them yourself if you don't believe me" I said

"No, no I trust you, I'm just glad" that perked my interest

"And why is that Midoriya-san?" I asked

"Ah... ah it's nothing don't worry" he said blushing, I just smiled to myself and continued looking through books

Iida, Oojiro, Kirishima and Bakugo, Bakugo POV:

I was walking along the extras and shitty hair to the dojo, when we got there was a class going on

"That's so manly" Kirishima said

"If you are interested, we are giving a free class today" an old man came and told us, all the guys eyes shined, to be honest with you I'm not really interested in martial arts, I just came because shitty hair did too

"Can we do it guys? Let's join the class pleeeeeeeease" Kirishima said sending us puppy eyes, I blushed a little at the sight but turned around so he couldn't see, everyone nodded but me

"Come on Bakubro, please" he said

"Ugh! Stop doing that stupid face shitty hair, let's do it so you can stop annoying me" I said rolling my eyes, he jumped happily and made a little dance, I chuckled

We waited for the class to start, thankfully it was not that long, at first they were just showing us how to throw a punch or a kick, pretty boring stuff if you ask me, and then we were assigned pairings, I got paired with Kirishima then we had to put gear so we wouldn't "hurt" each other, with the karate breastplate on we were supposed to kick each other in turns, we did just that for a few minutes and I must say Kirishima has a strong kick

"It looks like we have gathered and audience with our class, everyone would you like to do simulated combats for them? After all we have UA famous students along with us" the professor said looking at us, I looked around and so that in fact a crowd had gathered on the dojo

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