I put on a fake smile and open the door slightly. A pair of familiar brown eyes stare at mine. I change my mind. I would flash my tits any time they ask. Idiot. Not the time.

"Good morning. Want to get some breakfast with me?" Daisy asks, not showing a single emotion. She's good at hiding them if she wants to.

If it was someone else I would slam the door so hard it would fly to Mars. But not with her. Not now.

"Have you checked the time by any chance?" I still ask her.

"Whoa, you're cranky. It's 5:23 a.m. by the way," she gives me a smug smile. This bitch.

"Fine. Give me a second, I got to get dressed," I give in, but just as I'm about to turn around she grabs my hand and tugs me out into the hallway.

"Wha- I'm wearing shorts, you idiot. I'm not going to walk around like that," I try to get out of her grip, but, oh, she's strong.

"Nobody's up anyway. Come on," she says, holding firmly onto my hand.

After a couple of seconds I give in. There's no point. She could drag me out of here if she wanted to. I can't win.

We get to the cafeteria. There really is nobody here. I mean, it's 5 a.m. Normal people are sleeping right now.

Daisy gets two trays and hands one of them to me. I don't even want to eat anything this early.

I pick out a banana and some oatmeal. Good enough. I also pour some coffee into a cute green cup.

I follow Daisy to a small table she chose at the back of the cafeteria. We sit down and I take a sip from the cup. How the hell is this thing hot at 5 in the morning? Do they have 24/7 house elves here or what?

"How've you been?" Daisy asks, small smile playing on her lips. "How's it going with the training?"

"It's.. alright. I should probably practice more, but I've just.. not been in the mood," I try to give an honest answer. I don't even know if that's an honest answer. "What about my powers though? I mean, do I really need all these moves if I can make bitches pass out without even touching them?"

"Yeah, all that is quite cool, got to admit, but you can't fully rely on your powers," she says amusedly. "You may find yourself in a sticky situation with no way to use them. Plus, it's good to be physically in shape for a job like that."

Fair enough. "What are the others training for? To be agents like you?"

"Yes, aren't you too? You should consider yourself lucky, they had to do a shitload of work to even be here right now. Not everyone has pretty privilege like you."

Quite sure she meant that as a joke, but oh man. She called me pretty.

I am so screwed.

"Ah, yes. I am so very grateful and thankful and whatever else for being able to be here in your beautiful palace with so many windows and freedom to go wherever my heart desires. Thank you," I throw a snarky comment back.

"We do have many windows," Daisy nods. "Glad you noticed."

"Shut up. It's very creepy living in the basement like that. You don't even know what's the weather like out there. How do you know what to wear?"

"We have technology for that, hello? Do you live underground?"

"Yes. I do. Literally. Thanks to you."

"Fine. You win. But not the entire building is underground, there are windows," she tries to save herself.

"Oh, that's perfect then. Just run however many floors you have here to check the weather, then run back down to get the right clothing. Amazing. Genius. You should get an award for that."

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