Chapter 36. Decay.

Start from the beginning

That should be-

Gigantomachia:"IT TICKLES!"

He lunged at me with incredible speed. In fact, did he just... grew in size? He looks bigger! Not only that, there's claws on his hands too!

He tried to stab me with them, I dodged it, making a backflip. Looking at the place I were a few seconds ago, it was completely pulverized. Yeah, let's not get hit by that...

He continued to do various basic movements, it was not hard to dodge them, but it sheer amout of strength and speed, combined with his resistance made it quite the bother to find an opening.


I sprinted towards him and slided between his legs. Now, I'm faster than him. I dived to the ground, turned around midair and used Katsuki's explosions to blow him, boosting me far away from him.

But he wasn't gonna let me escape easily. Gigantomachia started sprinting towards me with incredible speed. Suddenly, he's maching my speed. Just who is this guy?!

I made a titanium hammer and slammed it on his feet. He didn't bulge a bit, in fact, he laughed a little.

He threw a punch. This time, I time to grab it. Obviously, he's far stronger than me. I managed to stop it a little, but he was putting more power behind said punch, little by little forcing me to get on my knees to get some support. The ground beneath me was starting to crack too, too much pressure on it.



I swatted his fist away, jumped, and kneed his head. Red aura was starting to appear around me, my body heating up.

While I was in the air, I opened my palms infront of his face, and made another explosion. Absolutely no damage, in fact, he didn't cared that I was attacking, he simply punched me, sending me flying to a building.




I was on an apartment, looking at the ceiling. Ryuko's regeneration healed me, I was okay. But I'm a little afraid. I can't keep increasing my Overdrive forever, yet he can keep growing in size, strength and speed. What can I do?

I punched the ground out of frustation. Alright, focus! He can't indefinetly grow in size! Besides, he maybe just does not feel pain. Yeah, that's it! He has a lot of resistance and can't feel pain, but it doesn't mean he's inmune!


I sprinted around the apartment, using Poltergeist to make the items float. Then, I threw them at Gigantomachia. It annoyed him, but he was pushing the items aside or breaking them.

I still need to be sure...


I putted my hands together and opened my palms, making a big explosion. It was as big as a building. He putted his arms infront of him, protecting himself from the pain.

That's the reaction I wanted! He ain't inmune, just reeeeally strong! I can beat him, just keep it going, Y/N!

I jumped at him. I was so fast I appeared infront of him before he could react. I kicked his mandible, pushing him a little back. He inmediatly grew in size, now as tall as a building. He was a little more strong and fast, but not enough.

He tried to punch me, but I used Shoto's quirk to create ice, sliding above him. I landed on his shoulder, exploding his cheek. The explosion was big enough to hurt him.

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