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Today, I went to Katsuki's house. Before going, I decided to test my explosions a little bit. It was very cool to make things blow up, but I got tired too quickly. Gotta train that.

When I reached her house, I ringed the doorbell and heared a ruckus going straight to the door.

She opened the door, still on her pijamas. Pink stripped pijamas.

Y/N:"Hey... cute pijamas by the way."

Katsuki:"S-shut up! Come in!"

When I entered her house, I noticed we were alone.

Y/N:"Where are your parents?"

Katsuki:"They are on a vacation so... you could... sleep here..."

Y/N:"We'll see."

When I said that, a little smile runs on her face, but it disappeared as quickly as it came.

Katsuki:"You want anything to eat?"

Y/N:"No, thanks."

Katsuki:"Okay. Then wait here, please."

She lead me to the dinning room, and made me sit. After that, she went to her room, and changed her attire.

She had a black sweater, black pants and a pair of running shoes. That black sweater is the one I gave her on her birthday.

Y/N:"You still have my sweater, huh?"

Katsuki:"I always keep all of my presents! And is comfortable too."

Y/N:"So, where are we training?"

Katsuki:"Upstairs. In my room."

Y/N:"Isn't that dangerous? I could-"

Katsuki:"Just aim through the window then, idiot."

Y/N:"Point taken."

I got up and followed her to her room. It was very clean compared to mine. I aimed my hands through the window, and opened my palms.

Katsuki:"Try to use both hands to make the explosion. It lets you control the knockback of the explosion way better than with one hand. And it's a bigger explosion too."

Y/N:"Wait, and your neighbours?"

Katsuki:"Don't worry about them, they are used to the explosions."


Katsuki:"Let's say, a little Katsuki enjoyed too much blowing up things."

I chuckled, getting a blush from Katsuki.

Katsuki:"Don't laugh, idiot. Now, test it already!"

I turned my head, and made the explosion. The explosion almost made me fall to the ground. But, I quickly recovered and avoided falling to the ground. Katsuki giggled.

Katsuki:"Hehe, that was-"

???:"Brat! Already exploding things?!"

I peeked my head through the window to see some type of old midget shouting things at us.

Y/N:"Who is that-"

???:"Hey, who are you, her boyfriend?! Tell her not to blow things up, we are trying to sleep here!"

Katsuki blushed, and looked through window, next to me.

Katsuki:"Shut up!"

She closed the window and sat on the bed, angry.

Y/N:"What was that?"

Katsuki:"That old man... he is always annoying me."

Y/N:"Well, what do we do then?"

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